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The time of plenty when there was enough food and water and resources for everyone is coming to an end . Heres one Hunter Biden thread everyone needs to read! The three previous Worlds were destroyed due to global cataclysms when the people started living out of balance with spirit and nature, and forgot to sing praises to the Creator. This is where the changes will begin. [7] It is said that if the True White Brother fails in his mission and is unable to find uncorrupted men and women, that the earth will be completely destroyed and none will be spared. the coming of The Blue Star Kachina and that the Purifier, the Red Star Kachina would follow shortly after the twins had (Hale-bopp) passed from our . Tawa is the creator, and it was he who formed the "First World" out of Tokpella, or endless space, as well as its original inhabitants. The Sixth Sign was, the land shall be criss-crossed by rivers of stone that makes pictures in the sun. This refers to the concrete highways that create mirage-like effects under the scorching sun. The older brother was to go immediately to the east, to the rising sun and upon reaching his destination was instructed to immediately start to look for his younger brother who shall remain in the land of the Great Spirit. In the Mahabharata, when a comet called Brahma-danda appeared in the skies above Dwaraka, a fatricidal war erupted between the Yadavas, in which all of them were killed. That is the ninth and final sign before the 'Day of Purification' which is the day the old world is destroyed and a new one begins. The Pahana who have left to live in the Mountains and forest. The Fourth World, too, is destined to meet the same fate if it is consumed by evil and war. As per the prophecy of Dr.Wolf, the arrival of the Red Star Kachina and the Day of Purification will not happen abruptly, and many messengers will arrive beforehand to make us aware of this Shift in the Ages, so that we get a chance to mend our ways. No life force in their eyes. The messages will be found written in the living stone, through the sacred grains, and even the waters. Given that some of the foretold events already appear to be underway, it seems that epochal changes lie in store for us in the not-too-distant future. Things unseen will be felt very stronglyMany things will begin to occur that will not make sense, for reality will be shifting back in and out of the dream state All living things will want to be present for this day when time ends, and we enter the forever cycle of the Fifth World, Then one morning, in a moment, we will awaken to the Red Dawn. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. The Hopi Blue Kachina/Red Kachina Prophecy Astronomers say a Neptune-sized planet lurks beyond Pluto (January 2016) http://www.sciencemag.org Keep an eye out for a blue star. Indeed, they (Hopi) assert that kachinas came up with them during their Emergence from the womb of Mother Earth.[10] The kachinas took the forms of ordinary people and gave help and guidance to the clans. [1]. Subscribe Today! Kindle Edition. The tablet given to the Fire Clan was very small, made of dark-colored stone, with a piece broken off from one corner. For in the Earth we shall find relief from the madness that will be all around us. those who cling together. The Red Star will come very close to the Earth, and remain stationary in the sky for some time. (Must View Video). The following HOPI Prophecy is an excellent point of departure for those who have yet to take this journey of discovery into the rapidly evolving present of our planetary civilization and immediate future of the current race of humanity. It will be a very hard time for women with children for they will be shunned, and many of the children in these times will be unnatural. This represents a restructuring of the Earth. It is interesting that the Hopi regarded the Blue Star Kachina as a portent of global conflicts. These special places are called Achivas (kivas). Hopi means People of Peace . Hopi Indians, hopis, hopie prophecies, predictions and visions about the end of our world, the ninth sign is the arrival of Blue Star, this sign happened on Dec 11th 2009, hopipredictions, ancient Hopi Indian prophecy states, when the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World will emerge, this will be the Day of Purification, the Hopi name for the star Sirius is . All things will change in their manner of being. The Hopi Indians known as the "People of Peace", primarily reside in the desert highlands of northeastern Arizona on the Hopi Reservation. They would be forced to develop their land and lives according to the dictates of a new ruler, or else they would be treated as criminals and punished. and he has been featured on podcasts, interviews and online conferences organized by Earth Ancients, Portal to Ascension, OSOM, Watcher's Talk, Times FM and others. [1] On a blistering hot summer day in 1958, a minister named David Young was driving along a highway in New Mexico, when he saw an elderly Indian walking along the roads gravel shoulder. From the above descriptions, it seems obvious that the Hopi prophecies revolve around the appearance in the skies above earth of two large comets. The Fourth Sign was that the prairie will be crossed by snakes of iron the railway tracks! They will leave messages to those on Earth who remember the old waysThe messages will be found written in the living stone, through the sacred grains, and even the watersThe appearance of the twins begins a period of seven years which will be our final opportunity to change our ways, When the Purifier comes we will see him first as a small Red Star which will come very close and sit in our heavens watching us. Most Hopi creation stories center around Tawa, the sun spirit. ! My people have tired of the old ways - the great ceremonies that tell of our origins, of our Emergence into the Fourth World, are almost all abandoned, forgotten. There will be many strange beasts upon the Earth in those days, some from the past and some that we have never seen. Shiva is blue after swallowing the poison of the snakes of death, much like at the Great Churning of the Ocean. He is an engineer from IIT and a MBA from IIM, and has worked in the Information Technology industry for more than two decades. [8]. They will come and visit to see who still remembered the original teachings, flying in their Patuwvotas, or flying shields. The Blue Star is definitely the first to appear in the firmament; the Red Star is then to follow. Hopi Blue Star or Blue Kachina Prophecy An ancient Hopi Indian prophecy states, "When the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World will emerge". He concludes that it is probably a late twentieth century invention.[2]. They were commonly referred to as the Kachina Clan. He shall plant the seeds of his wisdom in their hearts. Terrible will be the result. Those that walk through these places will be very heavy in their walk, it will appear almost painful as they take each step for they will be disconnected from their spirit and the Earth. the hopi indian prophecies June 3rd, 2020 - an ancient hopi indian prophecy states when the blue star kachina makes its appearance in the heavens the fifth world will emerge this will be the day of purification the hopi name for the the hopi survival kit download ebook pdf epub tuebl mobi They say that toward the final phase of our current Fourth World, the Blue Star Kachina (Sakwa Sohu) will dance in the village plaza and then remove his mask. The Hopi Blue Star Kachina Prophecy. Chapters in this large format study guide include: * American Indians How Do They Fit Into the UFO Puzzle? White Feather told David Young of his adventures across the American continent, following the sacred paths of his people and visiting the holy altars. [4] The first three of these worlds, Tokpela, Tokpa and Kuskurza, have already been inhabited and subsequently destroyed due to the corruption and wickedness of man. The Crop Circle phenomenon, which has been going on unabated for the past few decades, could be an early warning system, sending us signals of the impending transition. 26K views 2 years ago In Hopi oral History, the Blue Star Kachina or Saquasohuh, is a kachina or spirit, that will signify the coming of the beginning of the new world by appearing in the. As told by White Feather, a Hopi elder, to Bob Frissell in 1958, also can be found recorded in Frissell's book . Life will be so bad in the cities that many will choose to leave this plane. But who was this saviour personality? This will be the Day of Purification. But they were not to resist. Yes, it did. - Asteroid Rendezvous With Mars - The Second Sun and Red Kachina. This is the Eighth Sign: You will see many youth, who will wear their hair long like my people, come and join the tribal nations, to learn of their ways and wisdom. After the arrival of the twins, they will begin to vanish before your eyes like so muck smoke. This event would tell us that the end times are very near. It will appear as a blue star. The United States will be destroyed, land and people, by atomic bombs and radioactivity. Comets have historically been described as hairy stars. . We, the faithful Hopi, have seen the ships and know they are true.[17]. These messages are nothing new. Upon reaching there, he was to erect a shrine and rest his forehead on the ground once. So, what the prophecy essentially tells us is that, the dance of the Blue Star kachina in the plaza will herald the appearance of the Blue Star i.e. He will be large in population and belong to no religion but his very own. The ones who remember the original teachings and have reconnected their hearts and spirit. http://awakeningasone.com/the-signs/the-hopi-prophecy/, RED STAR KACHINA: The Greatest Unfulfilled Prophecy Of The ThirdMillennium, http://awakeningasone.com/the-signs/the-hopi-prophecy/, RED STAR KACHINA: The Greatest Unfulfilled Prophecy Of The New Millennium, How Nibirus Return Accelerates the Schumann Wave. With him there will be two great ones, both very wise and powerfulThe three will lay out a new life plan which leads to everlasting life and peace. Or, a Top Secret Human Experiment Gone Wild? So intense will the nature of the changes be that those who are weak in spiritual awareness will go insane, for we are nothing without spirit. The Hopi believe the Star People and their star knowledge will return at the end of the current period of time, as they have in past times. The Blue Star Kachina is said to be the ninth and final sign before the "Day of Purification", described as a catastrophe or a "world engulfing cataclysm" that will lead to the . After a few minutes of silence, the elderly Indian introduced himelf as White Feather, a Hopi of the Bear Clan. They will bring many of their star family with them in the final days, The return of the Blue Star Kachina who is also known as Nan ga sohu will be the alarm clock that tells us of the new day and new way of life, a new world that is coming. His articles have been published in different magazines and websites such as the New Dawn, Science to Sage, Nexus, Viewzone, Graham Hancock's website, Waking Times etc. Click here for the referenced link:RED STAR KACHINA: The Greatest Unfulfilled Prophecy Of The ThirdMillennium. The First Sign was the coming of the white-skinned menwho struck their enemies with thunder. Dr. Robert Wolf writes that, that the Blue Star Kachina will be accompanied by the twins, who will come flying in their patuwvotas, or flying shields, and they will bring many of their star family with them. Latest UFO Sightings, Daily UFO News, Alien UFO Disclosure, Ancient Mysteries, Moon and Mars Anomalies, Paranormal, Spirituality and more.. "[6] This absence of Hopi ceremonialism will coincide with the destruction of the fourth world. This will be a time of global hostilities, when men will, yet again, bare their fangs and try to kill one another. Hopi Prophecies: Blue Star Kachina. However, this still makes sense with respect to Hopi prophecy. 72, p.86, SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS), https://adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1978JRASC..7281B[7] Manilius 1.884, taken from "Observations of Comets in Greek and Roman Sources Before A.D. 410", p.86[8] Frank Waters, Book of the Hopi, Ballantine Books, New York, 1963, p 38. Only the Hopis and the homeland will be preserved as an oasis to which refugees will flee.[5]. They spoke about us seeing strange things going on with animals, frogs with six legs, rabbits with four ears, animals being born with both genders. It is said that, long ago, the spirits themselves came to the villages, but today the people have lost the ability to see them, so the Hopi impersonate these spirits during their dances by wearing costumes and sacred masks. The signs were described to him in 1958 by a Hopi elder named White Feather. [citation needed], Author Jason Colavito was not able to find any reference to the name "Blue Star Kachina" before Frank Water's "Book of the Hopi" in 1963. No, the blue star is here right now, some call him the enforcer, he is stopping the cabal evil at every turn to not destroy anything on the planet. Similar beliefs were held by the Greco-Roman philosophers. The comet isn't a 'dwelling place'. It will appear as a blue star. To better understand just how serious theRed Star Kachinatruly is, the following extended essay explains what no other source on the Internet has revealed. 6 months or less. When the Hopi had emerged into the Fourth World from their underground sanctuary, they made a sacred covenant with the Great Spirit, Masaw, who is the caretaker of the Earth and the Lord of the Dead to follow his life plan, and live peacefully as simple, humble farmers, taking care of the land and all its creatures. It was told to me that first the Blue Kachina would start to be seen at the dances, and would make his appearance known to the children in the plaza during the night dance. The word Nibiru comes from the Ancient Akkadian language, meaning crossing. Like the previous worlds, Twaqachi is also prophesied to be destroyed because of the corruption of humanity. Incidentally, the Navajo people have also prophesized that a Nine-pointed Star which is most likely a comet with nine tails - will come from the East and unify all races and nations. If so, what was he doing in the midst of the Hopi to begin with? On this day the Earth, her creatures and all life as we know it will change forever. For instance, Josephus, the 1st century CE historian, described a star resembling a sword i.e. Their place of origin, however, is supposed to be far, far away. This event would tell us that the end times are very near. The allure of the materialistic society was inducing many Hopi youths to seek jobs in the urban areas, while those that remained were becoming victims of alchohol and drug abuse. The Hopi name for the star Sirius is Blue Star Kachina. [9] Ibid, p 136. *This article was originally published atufoholic.com. The Hopi seem to believe that their villages will be safe and serve as sanctuaries for refugees during the war, which makes sense, for, during a war, the people most at risk are those who live in crowded cities. They tell us of two brilliant comets a blue one and a red one both of which may be part of comet swarms, that will usher in profound changes at the end of the Fourth World. They will survive and build the new world. Some more pertinent information about Pahana, which is aligned with this line of thinking, can be gleaned from the The Hopi Message to the United Nations in 1992.[13]. * American Indians and the Star People. In the final days we will look up in our heavens and we will witness the return of the two brothers who helped create this world in the birthing time. so that it becomes increasingly difficult for us to ignore them. Is this yet another wrongfully-interpreted prophecy, a metaphoric cow milked to exhaustion by authors with no other interest than to sell their books? As we get close to the time of arrival the Purifier there will be those who walk as ghosts through the cities, through canyons they will have constructed in their man made mountains. An ancient Hopi prophecy states that when the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World will emerge.. All life forms will receive the messages from the twins.. those that fly, the plants, even the rabbit. The Blue Star Kachina is said to be the ninth and final sign before the "Day of Purification", described as an apocalypse or a "world engulfing cataclysm" that will lead to the destruction of the world. so so much bad and bad people have already been removed by big blue and his crew. It will come when the Saquasohul (Blue Star) kachina dances in the plaza. Frank Waters writes, That time is not far off. In the Final days we will look up in our heavens and we will witness the return of the two brothers who helped create this world in the birthing time. They spoke of Earth Changes, and Firestorms. and they talked about the Eight Thunders Prophecies and the Pale Prophet. I am old and dying. The 7th planet is called the planet of the crossing or Nibiru. Near Oraibi, Arizona, there is a petroglyph known as Prophecy Rock which symbolizes many Hopi prophecies. They are surrounded by the Navajo Reservation, and inhabit the four corners region of Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah with the other Pueblo tribes. No thing living will go untouched, here or in the heavens. Because there were no pollutants, the sky offered at night a map of the universe. In the final days the Blue Star Katchina will come to be with his nephews and they will return the Earth to its natural rotation which is counter clock wise. But they acquire an additional degree of relevance and urgency as the end of the Fourth World and the Day of Purification draws near. ( Note: Kachinasalso spelled katsinam, plural, and katsina, singularare spirit messengers between the world of the gods and the world of humans. This will signal the beginning of a great war, which, the Hopi believe, will be a spiritual conflict with material matters. Those who stay and live in the places of my people shall also be safe. It is believed that the Ant People had helped the White God discover corn on a mountain packed full of grain and seeds. The fact that Pahana a kachina, no less - will be dressed in red, also ties him to the prophecy of the Red Star Kachina which was elaborated by Dr. Robert Ghost Wolf. Sometimes a comet remains stationary over a particular area for a long time. The Hopi believe that we are in the last days of the prophecy, although no-one knows the exact timings of these events. Only time will tell but, until then, our own conceptions and beliefs will dictate our attitude towards this subject. The oral traditions of the Hopi tell us that we are currently living in the Fourth World.