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In January 1558, the french conquered Calais, England's last remaining territory on the European mainland. When are the GCSE exams for 2020?Which exam board are you studying? The Spanish had a greater army and Dudleys army was significantly smaller. Why religious compromise was so difficult. Apply for student finance without a bank account? This attack proved to be a major setback for Spanish preparation for the Armada. This was viewed as significant because it was seen as a means to increase trade, to expand Protestantism and to use the area as a base for attacks on Spanish colonies in the New World. The English were worried about the threat of invasion and they attacked the Spanish ships as they sailed along the Channel, but the Armada was so strong that most of the ships reached Calais safely. This helps to explain why Elizabeth had to deal with so many plots, the intention of which was to replace Elizabeth with Mary. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. The plots involved European conspirators and were supported by France, Spain and even the Pope. The death of Mary in November 1558 took England out of the equation. [Clear link back to the question at the end of the paragraph here.]. Another serious contender was Francis, Duke of Alencon, later Duke of Anjou. This was signed by the English nobility and gentry and required the signatories to execute anyone who attempted to overthrow the Queen. The Student Room and The Uni Guide are both part of The Student Room Group. Fearful of the wrath of Catholic powerhouses, France and Spain, Elizabeth did not want to be perceived as Europes leading Protestant. Elizabeth would receive a share of the privateers profits and as Englands financial situation was poor at the time, this proved to be an incredibly important source of income for the Queen. Here is a summary timeline of key events for students taking Early Elizabethan England (1558-88). Anne Boleyn (L), Henry VIII (C) and Elizabeth I (R) Elizabeth was born on 7th September 1533 to Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII. Over 100,000 of this was owed to the Antwerp Exchange who charged an interest rate of 14%. 2002-2023 Tutor2u Limited. In the eyes of the Spanish, Drake was a pirate however in the eyes of the English and Elizabeth, he was a patriot. King Phillip had been preparing for an attack on England since 1585 and Marys execution made the situation worse with him even more determined to invade England. and reversing the religious settlement. He chose to sail around Scotland and Ireland which presented a dangerous route which the Spanish sailors were unfamiliar with. Boston Spa, The plots to overthrow Elizabeth failed for a number of reasons such as: Elizabeth was actually popular which meant those conspiring to overthrow her lacked public support. Many colonists this time were poverty-stricken Londoners (it was felt they would be used to hard work and would therefore be happy to work for a new life in the New World). Another problem Elizabeth I had when she ascended to the throne in 1558 was the problems she had with illegitimacy. Another extremely important problem Elizabeth faced were the threats from the Auld Alliance of France and Scotland, two Catholic countries that England was sandwiched between. [This summary of factors helps re- establish conceptual focus]. This significantly committed Elizabeth to support the Dutch rebels directly against the Spanish. Thomas Percy, 7th Earl of Northumberland was part of the Rising in the North in 1569. Probably at the core of Elizabeth's decision to remain single was an unwillingness to compromise her power. Although he promised to help the conspirators, he rarely followed through on these promises. Elizabeth chose to give direct help to the rebels by signing the Treaty of Nonsuch, which placed the Netherlands under her protection and promised military help. Study notes, videos, interactive activities and more! Naval support by the English proved to be more effective for the Dutch rebels and a fleet of English ships patrolled the Dutch coastline to prevent the Spanish from landing some of their forces by sea. . Catholic priests were ordered to leave so as not to influence the English Catholics with divided loyalties. Elizabeth was inheriting a terrible situation, which she had to sort out. Sue Gray quits the civil service to become Starmer's aide: is it a big deal? As King Phillip II ruled the Netherlands, he had control over the access to these vital Dutch ports and he could, therefore, limit English access. Guy states that Northumberland's success in foreign policy was due to ending Somerset's wars . Elizabeth I - reigned from 1558-1603 Elizabeth I's first rebellion to deal with was the Shane O'Neill Rebellion, which occurred in Ireland and lasted from 1558-1567. The answer does touch upon the issue of religion but this could be extended further to acknowledge the extensive divisions within society given the preceding tumultuous changes (a brief mention of the role of the puritans for example could help). It was the only major threat to Henry's security as monarch. Cecil was a master of Renaissance statecraft, whose talents as a diplomat, politician, and administrator won him high office and . Importantly too, at different points these plots were orchestrated or sponsored by the Pope and Spain and were dependent on the support of English Catholics to work, demonstrating the increasing Catholic threat to Elizabeth, internationally and domestically. During the 1570s, England was starting to have ambitions of establishing an empire of its own and had hoped to become an imperial power that could rival Spain. The imprisonment owed to her likely involvement in the murder of her second husband, Lord Darnley. The New World, privateering and the significance of the activities of Sir Francis Drake. In July, the Spanish fleet was seen off Cornwall and signal fires known as beacons were lit along the south coast to send the news to the Elizabeth who was in London. VAT reg no 816865400. The failure of the colonisation was due to: the resistance of the Native Americans; conflict amongst the English settlers (who collectively had the wrong mix of skills to make the settlement a real success); the loss of supplies via the damage incurred on The Tiger and the fact that the voyage set off too late for crops to be planted (causing dependence on the rightfully suspicious Native Americans). Walsingham had established a large spy network and was able to intercept letters of Catholic conspirators and work with an expert cryptographer to decode them. Indeed, the Ridolfi Plot of 1571 was even led by one of the Popes spies, Roberto Ridolfi. Seeing Spain as a threat, Elizabeth tried to form an alliance with France. 2) This war was not a success. France was to be a constant thorn in the side of Elizabeth I throughout her reign. Write a paragraph or two. She's regarded as one of the greatest monarchs of England. One last thing to consider was the fact that Elizabeth was unmarried and childless. Elizabeth's greatest problem in 1558 was the threat of invasion. Medina Sidonia decided to retreat back to Spain and call off the attack on England. No, Francis in Reign does not have a child. To counter homelessness and the begging/criminal activity that sometimes accompanied this, a law was passed that stated that, if found, vagrants were: 1) to be whipped and have a hole drilled through each ear 2) if found a second time would be imprisoned 3) would be killed if found a third time. Elizabeth had also claimed all the profits from copper mines that were discovered in his estates which meant he lost a significant amount of money too. Calais was a French port which the English had occupied and was responsible for 80% of wool exports. In 1571, he developed a plot to overthrow Elizabeth using his Catholic contacts in England and Europe. It was estimated that Drake returned with approximately 400,000 of Spanish treasure from regular raids of Spanish ports in South America. Elizabeth and Philipthese two powerful peoplewould begin their relationship peacefully, even warmly, but they would become enemies, facing off in a battle of empires and faiths that would . The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Elizabeth's parents, Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. The Catholic threat Many Catholics in England were not happy with Elizabeth's Settlement. Ironically the simple accession of Elizabeth in 1558 made any desire for a settlement so much more difficult. Her first husband, Francis II, had died in December 1560. Company Reg no: 04489574. 214 High Street, Become a Member | July 31st: Battle of Plymouth two Spanish ships were captured. Elizabeth offered support to the Protestant Henry IV of France but found him an difficult ally to get on with. In 1595 Elizabeth had to deal with a rebellion in Ireland led by Tyrone and O'Donnell. 14-16 / Before the rebel army was able to reach Tutbury, a large royal army forced them to retreat. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. On the show, Francis has a tumultuous relationship with his wife, Mary, and their inability to conceive a child is a major source of conflict between them. Even though a truce was decided, there was still a constant threat from the Scots and French to the English security . Spanish invasion plans. Moreover, when Henry executed Anne Boleyn in 1536, Henry VIII himself declared Elizabeth illegitimate (although this situation was later reversed). Native American hostility occurred from the start, however. The Ridolfi plot failed mostly due to Elizabeths allies passing the names of the main conspirators involved to her. The English ships moved in for the attack and the following battle lasted several hours with 5 Spanish ships having been sunk. Phillip II of Spain proposed marriage to Elizabeth. Mary served as a permanent reminder at home and abroad that there was a legitimate Catholic heir to the throne and, with the Popes blessing, willing Catholic rebels could convince themselves they were doing Gods work. Her forty-five year reign was constantly under threat, which makes the fact that she was able to overcome these for forty-five years even more remarkable. Importantly too, Elizabeths fear of the Auld Alliance was heightened by the fact that the Catholic Mary, Queen of Scots, had declared herself the legitimate Queen of England (owing to the fact that she was Elizabeths second cousin and the granddaughter of Henry VIIIs sister Margaret) and she had the support of many English Catholics. Another extremely important problem Elizabeth faced were the threats from the Auld Alliance of France and Scotland, two Catholic countries that England was sandwiched between. Elizabeth I faced more difficulties as a monarch than any other Tudor. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Queen Elizabeth showed no mercy to the rebels and the Earl of Northumberland along with 400 rebel troops were executed while the Earl of Westmorland fled abroad. On November 1569, the Earls managed to capture Durham and proceeded to celebrate Catholic Mass in the Cathedral before marching south in the direction of Tutbury, Derbyshire where Mary was imprisoned. The plots to overthrow Elizabeth failed for a number of reasons such as: In 1568, the Queens Spymaster, Francis Walsingham used his spy network to prove that Mary had supported the Babington Plot.