The FBI was just starting to work as an international agency, and that was part of their problem with the CIA, who felt that was their turf, and the FBIs turf was America, said showrunner Dan Futterman at the shows premiere at the Berlin film festival. Wright had flicked through obituaries of the victims and came across O'Neill's. MIT Provost Martin Schmidt has been named as the 19th president of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, the nation's oldest technological research university. The 9/11 attacks thrust Zammar briefly into the spotlight. The authorship of these books is now widely known, and advertised as such. Tenet was the CIA director under Presidents Clinton and George W. Bush. Jordan Lage as Mr. Kearns, one of ten commissioners overseeing the, Kimberly S. Fairbanks as Ms. McCabe, one of ten commissioners overseeing the. "[36] In a positive review, Variety's Maureen Ryan said that the show was an "accessible, illuminating series that does not downplay the petty and tragic elements of the tale. The new drama retells the build-up to the terror attack and how the USs intelligences services let tribalism and ego get in the way of national interest. U.S. support for Israel that keeps Palestinians in the Israelis' thrall. [30] According to Scheuer, Clarke's book Against All Enemies is also a crucial complement to the September 11 panel's failure to condemn Mr. Clinton's failure to capture or kill bin Laden on any of the eight to 10 chances afforded by CIA reporting. Jeff Daniels FBI special agent John ONeill is pitted against his counterpart at the CIA, analyst Martin Schmidt, played by a terrific Peter Sarsgaard, who uses the same brittle nerves of his put-upon editor Charles Lane in 2003s journalism drama Shattered Glass. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. I loved him," James said. Details Select delivery location Yet, despite the news, O'Neill's message still didn't get through to the higher ups. And that's just in. As the squad fights to get information out of the CIA, the American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania are bombed. O'Neill's nemesis is a CIA analyst named Martin Schmidt (Peter Sarsgaard, playing a composite character fashioned from Wright's book), who argues for preemptive bombing strikes on suspected. Also, as much of the story that takes place in the United States occurs in offices, practical sets were built, including Alec Station and the FBI office in New York. The job he took? Michael Scheuer is a 63-year-old former CIA official who back in the 1990s was Alfreda's boss. [19], On February 13, 2018, The Washington Post held a screening of the first episode. Buy new: $800 $3.99 delivery October 20 - 25. Your character guide to the real and fictional people of the FBI and CIA. I came to trust him, and that's what I wanted someone I felt could handle and negotiate these really difficult moral questions." (If Daniels falters, its in persuasively selling some of ONeills cruder remarks.) Whatever was out there was actually in his apartment. By joining TV Guide, you agree to our Terms of Use and acknowledge the data practices in our Privacy Policy. She's also one of the people on whom Jessica Chastain's character in Zero Dark Thirty was based. In his book, Scheuer depicted bin Laden as a rational actor who was fighting to weaken the United States by weakening its economy, rather than merely combating and killing Americans. This page was last edited on 13 May 2023, at 19:15. Schmidt is often at odds with his FBI counterpart John O'Neill (played by. O'Neill was a cigar smoking, cheater - despite being married he had two other women in two separate cities - was abrasive with his co-workers and had a bee in his bonnet about bin Laden. Later in 2004, shortly after the "outing" of Scheuer's harsh criticism of America's close alliance with Israel, Scheuer resigned from his position at the CIA. (Wrenn Schmidt). According to bin Laden, "If you want to understand what's going on and if you would like to get to know some of the reasons for your losing the war against us, then read the book of Michael Scheuer in this regard. He began the book in 1999 as an unclassified manual for counterterrorism officers. "[47], Scheuer referred to Kyle Rittenhouse, who was charged with murder for shooting people demonstrating in George Floyd protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin a young hero, hoping that Rittenhouses necessary, patriotic, and constitutional actions will power the formation of militias across the United States.[46] In July 2020, he wrote that loyal Americans know their domestic enemies, as well as their locations, in detail, and will be able to act swiftly to eliminate them and the threat they pose.[46], In March 2018, Scheuer claimed that the European Union was in the process of "falling apart", saying that British Prime Minister Theresa May was "siding with the EU" during the future relation talks of the UK leaving the European Union. Schmidt is constantly urging his bosses to freeze out O'Neill and the FBI because he's. Under orders to share intelligence with John O'Neill (Daniels) and the. In 2006, Google Federal went on a hiring spree, snapping up managers and salespeople from the army, air force, CIA, Raytheon and Lockheed Martin. Head of security at the World Trade Center. Schmidt's parents Dave Lindgren and Michele Newman were high school sweethearts, and broke up months prior to Schmidt's birth. [20][21], On February 15, 2018, the series had its official premiere at The Paris Theatre in New York City. In the series, the CIA is represented by the composite character Schmidt who hates O'Neill, but the feeling is mutual. They totally underestimated al-Qaida., Part of the animosity was personal, and part of the reason that the CIA and FBI had different institutional missions, he added. Both send agents around the globe, fighting for ownership of information while seemingly working towards the same goal: averting an attack on US soil. [43], On December 23, 2013, Scheuer endorsed the extrajudicial killing of then-Prime Minister of Britain David Cameron and President Barack Obama,[44][45] endorsing the view of Algernon Sidney that "by an established law among the most virtuous nations, every man might kill a tyrant; and no names are recorded in history with more honor, than of those who did it. Rossini left the FBI in 2008 after pleading guilty to criminally accessing records in an FBI database for personal purposes. Tim Russert asked Scheuer to explain the seeming contradiction on Meet the Press (30 November 2004): Scheuer explains more fully in the revised edition of his 2002 book the exhaustive study of the evidence of the alleged Iraq-al-Qaeda cooperation that eventually led him to the conclusion that there was no relationship between the two forces: Scheuer has stated his objection to any involvement by the U.S. in the Libyan insurgency, being particularly critical of the work of United States' UN representative Susan E. Rice, calling the whole affair "none of our business" and essentially a "recruiting tool for terrorists. Absent that, the series is essentially like a well-shot, brilliantly cast, fast-moving season of Homeland, which is better than the actual current season of Homeland. In it, Scheuer explores the bin Laden phenomenon and its implications for U.S. security. The real O'Neill was either loved or hated - the marmite of the FBI. He has spent more than 40 years at MIT as a student, faculty member, and . In the series, he plays Martin Schmidt, a composite character who is the head of the CIA's Al Qaeda task force. Tasha Lawrence as Maria ONeill, John's wife and the mother of his two daughters. July Namir as Hoda Hada, the wife of Khalid al-Mihdhar. [9] While there was an initial push to shoot the production all in South Africa, Zisk argued for filming the back half in Morocco. More than anything, Chesney is the representation of "good police" -- that is, a dutiful and resourceful operative. ", This page was last edited on 19 May 2023, at 05:50. In ONeill, Daniels has a character whos innately charming, even if its hard to square the dark-haired, Mafiosi-esque character in Wrights book, who has a strong whiff of the Jersey streets about him, with the actors patrician grace. In Marching Toward Hell, Scheuer laments "the war in Iraq that was instigated by U.S. citizen Israel-firsters and their evangelical Christian allies". We also may change the frequency you receive our emails from us in order to keep you up to date and give you the best relevant information possible. [17] After his anonymously published books were publicly associated with his name, he was mentioned by Osama bin Laden in his statement of September 7, 2007. 13, Princess Margaret at No. [3] After refining their pitch, they approached HBO, Netflix and Amazon with the project. Schmidt, by contrast, is a pompous, sneering creep whose primary motivation seems to be power. [19] He also participates in conferences on terrorism and national security issues, such as the New America Foundation's December 2004 conference, "Al Qaeda 2.0: Transnational Terrorism After 9/11. soil. What Lobby? The FBI is supposed to go out and arrest people and put them on trial. The seven subsequent episodes will premiere on Wednesdays. [4], During pre-production, producers spent months doing exhaustive homework. Soon, perhaps inevitably, things came to a head. He'd been so close to the truth, some information had come from his Yemen suspect, some came from the news he had of a secret meeting attended by the two Cole plotters, Nawaf Alhazmi, and Khalid Almidhar. Scheuer sees the extraordinary renditions carried out by the U.S. government as being hindered by the European Union: "The extraordinary rendition programme should not be destroyed because of "venal and prize hungry reporters, grandstanding politicians and sanctimonious Europeans."[51]. His son, John P. O'Neill Jnr, said: "My dad had a lot of video of Osama bin Laden. Alec Station was a creature of Schmidt, his domain. "[28], U.S. rhetoric about bin Laden having allegedly "hat[ed] freedom" has also irked Scheuer, who suggests that those "willing to give their lives to destroy the dictatorship in Saudi Arabia must want freedom in some kind of way. "I learned that on the. The failure of the U.S. to apprehend this threat is, in part, rooted in a misunderstanding and underestimation of Osama bin Laden himself. In his 20 years he'd chased down a lot of bad guys, from white-collar crime to drug rings, but he'd never come across something like this before. And I said, 'When?' Martin Schmidt ( Peter Sarsgaard) Peter Sarsgaard, The Looming Tower JoJo Whilden, Hulu Schmidt is a composite character who Futterman says represents the point of view within the CIA of. Sarsgaard will play Martin Schmidt, a CIA analyst who invariably believes he's by far the smartest person in the room. So by February of 2000, I think senior people in the FBI were saying, 'There probably is a network here in the United States, and we have to change the way the FBI goes about finding that network.'". Produced for television by Wright with the Oscar-winning documentarian Alex Gibney and the veteran showrunner Dan Futterman, The Looming Tower is a taut, tense restaging of the internecine squabbles between the FBI and the CIA in the lead-up to 9/11. Now He Wants Americans Dead", "Terrorism Analyst, Former CIA Officer To Speak", "Six Questions for Michael Scheuer on National Security", "Winning or Losing? After several co-workers confront her, Marsh agrees to start sharing intelligence if the FBI can prove that it already knows enough to identify al-Mihdhar and al-Hazmi. The show's first episode was directed by Gibney, episodes six and seven were directed by Slovis, and episodes eight, nine, and ten were directed by Zisk. Melling, Poland ORIGINATING NANEC OFFICER--7 _21 EI/G/CEz 19 CITIZENSHIP Gersan Room, BUILDING PRESENT ACTIVITY AND LOCATION 3 EXTENSION Staffer of West Gersan . His main thesis in the work is that the view of bin Laden as a lunatic is a form of "myopia" that limits Western military thinkers' ability to respond to the bin Laden phenomenon. Wendy Mae Brown as April Brightsky Ray, the wife of Wadih el-Hage. Clarke, in turn, was very critical of the Bush administration's failure to act on intelligence in the summer of 2001 that warned of an impending attack as well as its handling of the War on Terror after 9/11. "[45], In July 2018, Scheuer called upon "those millions of well-armed citizens who voted for Trump" to be ready to kill "a long and very precise list" of those who oppose Trump. He was forced out of the FBI in the summer of 2001 and started a job as the head of security for the World Trade Center on August 23. "In the summer of 1998, Martin Schmidt headed Alec Station, the CIA unit that looked after bin Laden. Wrenn Schmidt (Outcast) and Ella Rae Peck (Gossip Girl) have joined the drama based on Lawrence Wright's Pulitzer. During the debate, Scheuer suggested that "the war in Iraq is the responsibility of the American fifth column that supports Israel" and accused Dershowitz of being part of this "fifth column". A campaign began against him and there were whispers about his personal life. 37, and Prince Philip at No. It follows members of the I-49 Squad in New York and Alec Station in Washington, D.C., the counter-terrorism divisions of the FBI and CIA, respectively, as they travel the world fighting for ownership of information while seemingly working toward the same goal trying to prevent an imminent attack on U.S. He left the job he'd given everything to and turned to the private sector in summer 2001. In August 1998, FBI agent Ali Soufan is asked to join John O'Neill's counterterrorism unit known as "I-49". Schmidt guards CIA intelligence with fanaticism, while ONeill resorts to spewing profanities and epithets when he cant get what he wants. I hope they move on and do the Saudi lobby, which is probably more dangerous to the United States than the Israeli lobby."[34]. "What's interesting is whether that was part of his plan or not. In the three episodes made available for review, al-Qaeda emerges as an increasingly critical threat to America, perpetrating the 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in Dar es Salaam and Nairobi, and gaining increasing financial and ideological support. Following the screening, journalist David Ignatius moderated a question-and-answer session with Jeff Daniels, Tahar Rahim, Peter Sarsgaard, Wrenn Schmidt, Dan Futterman, Alex Gibney, Lawrence Wright, and Ali Soufan. Then in 1998, there were the US Embassy bombings in East Africa, O'Neill wanted to help, but was "benched". "There's very few women not frightened by war," the the head of the CIA's al-Qaeda unit Martin Schmidt, Diane's boss, tells her. Schmidt, who earned his BS in electrical engineering at RPI in 1981, will assume its presidency on July 1, 2022. [49], Scheuer has called for the public execution of European politicians, saying that "all European rulers are tyrants" adding that "they are a despicable bunch, the people that head the European Union, and they really deserve to be hung. This means that we may include adverts from us and third parties based on our knowledge of you. [26][27], In all regions outside the United States, the series is distributed by Amazon Video. Get the biggest TV headlines, recaps and insider knowledge straight to your inbox. Israel, according to Scheuer, has engaged in one of the most successful campaigns to influence public opinion in the United States ever conducted by a foreign government. [6] In September 2014, in addition to earlier "praise" received from Al-Qaeda, the Islamic State issued a press release quoting Scheuer in order to appeal to an American audience. Schmidt has remained a very controversial figure in the foreign policy community for his staunch non-interventionism. Sanchez learns of an upcoming. "Now, one version of this, I believe, from the Philippines, has it that he was planning on crashing one of the 12 not in the Pacific but into the CIA headquarters in Langley. The action in early episodes plays out against the backdrop of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, itself apparently destined for a true-crime excavation by Ryan Murphy before too long. Like Wrights book, it makes the case that the failure of U.S. intelligence agencies to share information thwarted any chance they might have had of stopping the attacks. The book, however, looks at those who orchestrated the attack, while the series turns the lens on those who failed to stop them. He states that Clinton had eight to ten opportunities to kill bin Laden prior to September 11, and Bush had one opportunity thereafter. Katie Flahive as Amy, a CIA analyst working in Alec Station. Sarsgaard is smoothly villainous as Schmidt, running a team of mostly young, inexperienced women (the real-life CIA unit investigating bin Laden was nicknamed the Manson Family) and responding with remarkable hostility to anyone who questions him. They're just very devout, severe Salafists and Wahhabis.". The CIAs mission is to gather intelligence, and then present that information to the executive branch. "That there probably were Al Qaeda people in the United States. After the embassy bombings he "declared war" on Osama bin Laden but was unsuccessful at capturing him. You know, my family was shocked. I think people understand whats going on now, Futterman says. They're not a threat to the United States. German police . ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Jeff Daniels' FBI special agent John O'Neill is pitted against his counterpart at the CIA, analyst Martin Schmidt, played by a terrific Peter Sarsgaard, who uses the same brittle nerves of. Michael F. Scheuer (pronounced "SHOY-er"), (born 1952) is an American former intelligence officer for the Central Intelligence Agency, blogger, author, commentator and former adjunct professor at Georgetown University 's Center for Peace and Security Studies. "[20], In 2009, Scheuer reported that he had lost his position as a Senior Fellow with the Jamestown Foundation, after "several major financial donors to Jamestown threatened to withdraw funding" if he continued in that role. "[1][2] Osama bin Laden acknowledged the book in a 2007 statement, suggesting that it revealed "the reasons for your losing the war against us". Like The Crown, The Looming Tower takes some dramatic liberties with its source material, turning some characters into composites and creating others anew. In his second book, Imperial Hubris, a New York Times bestseller, Scheuer writes that the Islamist threat to the United States is rooted in "how easy it is for Muslims to see, hear, experience, and hate the six U.S. policies bin Laden repeatedly refers to as anti-Muslim: Scheuer contends that Al-Qaeda is following a martial strategy that is more rational than it is given credit for among Western politicians and media. He's the CEO of the Soufan Group, a private intelligence company he founded, as well as an author of two books about terrorism. Mr. Clarke never mentions that President Bush had no chances to kill bin Laden before September 11 and leaves readers with the false impression that he, Mr. Clinton and Mr. Clinton's national security adviser, Sandy Berger, did their best to end the bin Laden threat. Joe Corrigall as John Chihoyne, a CIA agent stationed in Yemen. Speaking on the BBC News on November 9, 2012, Scheuer criticized what he called the Obama administration's deceit about the threat from Islamic militants, and misleading the American people in his first administration by claiming that the word "jihad" had nothing to do with military affairs, and that it had to do with "self reform and community improvement", which Scheuer claims was a blatant lie. Months doing exhaustive homework Netflix and Amazon with the project some of ONeills cruder remarks. ] after their. The feeling is mutual think people understand whats going on now, says... 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