The Antifake logo, prominently featured on its set, is an illustration of what seems at first to be a rabbit ready to be pulled from a hat, until the image is flipped upside down to reveal that it is actually a villainous con man in a top hat. Due to this fact there is now a group known as the "Black Diggers" who make it their mission to illegally dig up the lost remains of German and Russian soldiers in order to sell any military artefacts they happen come across. How did tea become so popular in Great Britain? One man lost his life in one of the teams when a French 75mm Pack howitzer round was improperly handled and exploded taking out the individual and destroying a M151 Jeep which was parked about 30 feet away. On their latest excavation mission in Klessin, VBGO volunteers found the remains of 15 German and one Russian soldier. the scary part is that most of it is small stuff (something like 75mm) the really big stuff is still making its way up | Line Of Fire, England vs The Spanish Armada: The Defeat Of The Invincible Fleet | History Of Warfare | Timeline, The Entire History of Viking Britain Medieval England Documentary. hello bart, would u have any idea what the significance of engraved numbers on the side of a silver cup (actual silver) that was found in Belgium shortly after WWII ? No mention was made of the evidence, from satellite images and drone video, that the bodies on Yablonska Street were in those precise locations weeks before the Russian forces withdrew from Bucha. Pundit Gevorg Mirzayan on Bucha:"This was done by professionals, probably British. All of them considered potentially live have high ordered! When I was at the Ciney gun show in Belgium last year, I saw more than a few dug-up relics, from small bits of personal gear like belt buckles to complete machine guns. On Monday, Poddubnyy, who was embedded with Russian forces outside Kyiv before their retreat, appeared on a state news channel and falsely claimed that the victims of the Bucha massacre were a mix ofactors and civilians killed by Ukrainian soldiers after the Russians withdrew. Because of the difference in structures (WW1: a lots of static trenches, WW2: a bunch of scattered foxholes) it is even more important to investigate the WW2-sites, in order to learn more about the daily life of the common soldiers. Bucha has become a symbol of alleged Russian war crimes in Ukraine Sergei SUPINSKY It was on this street that on April 2, 2022, AFP journalists found the bodies of 20 One minute we are in the mood that All of us will die heroically now and theres no way out. Another minute were in the mood, Now we will break them, well push them away. And these moods change several times a day., Bakhmut was a meat grinder for both sides, Mr. Dykyi said. Who is paying for this? They are starting to treat WW1-sites like real heritage Why should we treat WW2-sites any different ? It is permanently being attacked when you are in Bakhmut. War correspondent Yevgeny Poddubny is embedded with the Russian troops and may have witnessed their atrocities firsthand. Heres an example: G43s usualy located at bunkers becouse thats where snipers used to hide.. Some of them actually work with us (the boring archaeologists) on our sites (because of their experience and skill), but most of them dont really mind the context (nor would they recognise an archaeological feature in the soil). Thats how the video of dead bodies on Yablonska Street was framed on the evening news on Russias Channel One. I mean if you were just metal detecting and found it surley thatd be ok? A video of dead bodies on Yablonska Street in Bucha was posted on the Kievskiy Dvizh Telegram channel on April 1, 2022, at 9:48 p.m. local time in Kyiv, Ukraine. They will just crawl, he said. Images of the supposed hoax at Bucha were also analyzed on Antifake, a new show that suddenly appeared last month as the Russian invasion of Ukraine stalled in the Kyiv suburbs, including Bucha. The potential high value of old pottery leads people to dig up sites, destroying their usefulness for serious archaeological study as well as disturbing human remains. Loseva told viewers that the Western-directed hoax had been staged in Bucha because U.S. President Joe Biden had recently called his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, a butcher. The Ukrainian citys name, Loseva explained, sounds like the English word butcher., This ridiculous conspiracy theory has now been picked up by Russian TVTalk show host Olesya Loseva suggests that Bucha was chosen for the West's "egregious accusation against Russia" because Biden recently called Putin a "butcher", so the word "should be clear to Americans" [They know how] to place the bodies correctly, do everything correctly, create a nice picture for the necrophilic Western consciousness" And Ukrainian commanders on the front lines say that they sense that Russian units are hollowed out and could collapse in the face of a strong Ukrainian counteroffensive that is widely expected in the spring, after promised Western weapons are in place. In the first month every day, five to six times a day, groups of 10 to 15 people were advancing on our infantry position through the tree line, said the units media officer, who uses the code name Zmist. One other thing about digging up WW11 relics is the danger from shells and grenades that have been buried, and lain there slowly deteriorating and becoming more dangerous over the past 70 or so years. Or in Aleppo and Douma in Syria? But the myth that the boys testimony proved the Russian case has been treated as fact for four years on Russian state television, where the case is repeatedly cited as evidence that Western intelligence is constantly engaged in staging events to frame Russia. I think you would be very surprised at the amount of dug American Civil War and even earlier military relics removed from the ground. Telephone number: 0203222111, 0719012111 When he came under fire, Yaroslav noted, the Russian looked back to his own lines. Watching the footage, I'm shocked they haven't blown themselves up. This looked like the best place for this topic. The show's go-to move is to show viewers real video and stamp it "Fake." A local man recently found an un-exploded Hotchkiss shell on his farm, about 15 yards from where he had found another almost 30 years prior. Otherwise, how can they go to certain death, stepping over the rotting corpses of their colleagues? Immediately after the war, there were reports that units destroyed or burried supplies so as not to have it dumped on the market and supress domestic production of consumer goods. digging Copies of that video appeared the same night on Facebook, Telegram, YouTube, and Twitter and quickly went viral. Back about 20 years ago, a friend and colleague used to get accross to the Somme and Marne valleys at every possible opportunity (nothing at all to do with the arrival of his first child, of course). Especially toxic ammunitions can cause serious injuries, even when burning slowly. civil russian war 1918 potato digger royalty rabbit boy two girls The History Channel for an in-depth view of the Past, Here is a video from the Russian War Diggers where the Germans Hurriedly threw their Equipment in the River. The fact that theres much corrosion is actually something that makes them more dangerous, less stable. It is too often that human remains are simply discarded. Spending hours watching reams of video footage from the battlefield, the soldiers have been able to study Russias methods and tactics, including its use of diggers and porters. I wonder if they are still married. Meduzas visual analysis shows that at least seven of the bodies discovered on the street on April 1 were seen in the same positions on March 23. So what the discussion needs to be is how we keep the memory of such horrific pain alive. Russian officials, and state television,said the fact that the mayor made no mention of dead bodies on Buchas streets inhisbrief statement was somehow proof that the victims had not yet been shot. Its those one-to-one connections, particularly with refugees, that May has sought with Ukrainians as a way to help the country in the midst of war. In a sign of just how close the Russian troops came, on Feb. 2 the Ukrainians blew up a bridge on the T0504 highway when the Russians seized part of the road from the south. The host of Antifake, Alexander Smol, introduced the episode on Bucha by telling viewers that the images from the town, which look like something from a horror movie, are being cynically portrayed as Russian forces cruelty as part of a Ukrainian and Western infowar. A rapid-cut montage then flashed up on screen, mixing images of the bodies with the shows logo, set to menacing music. excavator soviet old russian eo Oleksandr Chubko and Evelina Riabenko contributed reporting. So really there is almost an argument that its unethical to rob a poor fellows grave, but in reality how many K98s are floating around in the USA that were battlefield collection from the dead? DOVO (the Belgian army demining unit) comes along and picks them up, on a daily basis. Journalists from theAP andAFP also recorded video and photographs of dead bodies on Yablonska Street on the afternoon of April 2. At the end of February, they destroyed a bridge on the Chasiv Yar road to stall the Russian advance from the north. I suspect it is picked clean now., Zakharova went on to claim that correspondents from the West who reported evidence that the Bucha victims were, in fact, killed during the Russian occupation were akin to Nazi propagandists who knowingly exaggerated a Red Army massacre of dozens of German civilians in East Prussia in 1944. People breaking into tombs are a bit different I think. In 2018, the British government accused Russia of poisoning Sergei Skripal, a former Russian-British double agent living in England, with a military-grade nerve agent. Russias Foreign Ministry responded by claiming that British spies might have poisoned Skripal as part of a plot to tarnish Russias reputation ahead of the World Cup soccer tournament it was preparing to host that summer. Regarding ordnance; you do not know what you can run into this is not remnants of (kind of cute in comparison) American Civil War. The campaign has been ruthless and hugely costly for both sides, but especially for the Russians, even as they have inched forward. In fact, as open-source researchers explained in viral tweets, a closer look at the original video which was posted on YouTube on April 2 by Ukraines Espreso TV showed that the bodies did not move at all., Pay attention, the state television anchor instructed viewers, as parts of the video were replayed in slow motion. they buffed t series ammorack like every other one in game, i could make a new thread like "stop stealth buffing abrams ammo rack" aplying your same logic. Ive found few places that full of ammo and soon Ill find guns as well. Prying rifles out of the ground, after uncovering one end, could be a very risky, and short lived, occupation. The charred carcasses of military vehicles littered the street after Russian troops withdrew on March 31, 2022, having failed to take the capital Kyiv. All that said, I collect WWI-WWII Maxims. These ordnance pits are what many diggers are looking for. Shells taht have been in the ground for 60 or 90 years can actually pose a threat to people handling them. For the past week, Russian television, which is under the full control of the government, has presented as fact the fictional version of events crafted by the state that the bodies of murdered civilians discovered in Bucha last week were planted there after the Russian withdrawal. I've recently Despite this evidence showing that the timeline laid out by Russias Defense Ministry is false, Russian officials and state television have continued to mislead the public by claiming that the video of the bodies on Yablonska Street did not appear until Bucha had been back under Ukrainian control for four days. As Pernavsky spoke, video of one of those Syrian children, 11-year-old Hassan Diab, being treated for suspected exposure to chemicals appeared on screen and was also stamped fake., A screenshot of video of a Syrian child, Hassan Diab, as it appeared on the Russian state television show Antifake.. Please consider, MP5SD at the Range: Subsonic vs Supersonic, Book Review: Col Chinns 5-Volume Opus on Machine Guns,,,, anasazi ruins digging game The People of Chaco Canyon, anasazi range digging game The People of Chaco Canyon. As a guest on the Russian state television show "Antifake" argued that the Bucha massacre was a hoax, video and photographs of the victims, including images from @AP and @AFP journalists, were labeled "Fake" in the background, As Artamonov spoke, video and photographs of the victims in Bucha recorded by Associated Press and Agence France-Presse journalists were also stamped fake in the background. Shapravsky then specifically warned everyone to avoid the corpses on the streets. Might be an interesting field trip when the summer temps drop off. Soldiers in a demolition unit come by every week or two to collect all the shells, and then destroy them. The fighting was literally everywhere, add in all the non-combat equipment losses, and the ground is simply full of stuff! I know At least 8 diggers from europe 5 from Latvia,2 from Russia and 1 from Ukraine,those fellas sold preatty nice items to me compared to others who selling rottened junk for crazy money.. As an Explosive Ordnance Officer I would take exceptopn to the statement by DistalRadius, Oh and on the subject of explosive hazards; even under ideal conditions, explosives of the type used in WWII would have degraded to the point of being either impossible to ignite, or burning at an extremely low (non-explosive) velocity. SOVIET OFFICER DAGGER (sailor ) the full dress uniform (1950th ). Russian Dagger Belt Suspensions Dirk Soviet Union USSR EX. RaRe SOVIET OFFICER DAGGER (Pilot- Officer)the full dress uniform (1957). Is it a valuable recovered piece of late-war history, or a grisly grave-robbers trophy? I cannot speak for peoples of other nationalities but it seemed to me that folks did not seem too interested in having that kind of history dug up . And what looked to others like another body sitting up was in fact a distortionof the image of that bodys reflection seen in a convex mirror on the passenger side of the car. August 6, 2013 Ian McCollum Commentary 45. Since I have gotten into firearms collecting it seems like just another realm of collecting with a bit of crossover into the gun community. Please select the Tab Content in the Widget Settings. Ive seen many of those YouTube videos as well and a few are quite poignant, with the diggers showing reverence and respect. The major points have already been touched upon (generally not 100% legal, issues with human remains, dangers of recovered explosives, etc.) It would be cool to recover some more planes. He is the source of my statements. forces because they didn't resist the Russians. Most of the Russians in the forefront of the battle are recently mobilized troops who have had minimal training, but they are good at two things, Yaroslav said: crawling and hiding underground. (In fact, the main evidence of an attack was video recorded in another location that showed a chlorine gas canister that was dropped on a building where dozens of victims were found. Slowly, people and government are learning that these sites are very valuable (historically) and relic hunting is a problem for proper archeological registration. There is a high probability that they are mined.. According to the state broadcaster, the shows educational mission is to help viewers distinguish lies from truth in social media clips from Ukraine. Without dug parts, this restoration project would have been impossible! As Francis Scarr of BBC Monitoring reported, the bodies appeared on huge screens on the set of one show as the host, Olga Skabeeva, presented an updated version of the conspiracy theory: the claim that the dead bodies were not those of actors but of local residents who had welcomed the Russian occupation and were then killed by the Ukrainian army when it regained control of the city. A screenshot of how Russian state television presented a Facebook video from Buchas mayor, Anatolii Fedoruk. A Deep German Bunker Her is another find by the Russian War Diggers The standard Render Safe Procedure for Japanese ammunition is to BIP it (BIP is shorthand for BLOW IN PLACE). Ukrainian forces are using reconnaissance drones to watch for Russian military movements and help coordinate artillery fire on advancing enemy troops. urals diggers My examples just happen to be in nicer condition. We dont have ads, so we depend on our members 35,000 and counting to help us hold the powerful to account. Even when there are bullets flying a meter over their heads, they will just crawl.. I know for a FACT that almost any TNT loaded Projectile will detonate. In many areas I could not go ten feet without finding frag. One needs a licence from the Flemish Government, none of these relic hunters have one. I was just banking on this one being so far gone (and not really gun-looking to normal folks) that it wouldnt attract any attention. Thats awesome. They have a very good separation of tasks, Yaroslav said. Eugene, I entirely agree with your assessment. Although Im not an EOD disposal officer, I specialise in EOD recognition and accomapany EOD personnel occassionally in historical munition identification and provide technical backup using obsolete technical manuals etc., There is no such thing as a safe munition unless it has been professionally deactivated and supplied with an official deactivation certificate. Cavaliers vs. Roundheads: What Caused The English Civil War? Having been involved in deceased estates, bombing range cleanups, police explosive recoveries and cleanups of filling stations, in some cases involving black powder munitions hundreds of years old, they have all one thing in common. There are permanent street fights and planes, and its creepy, because the planes are not ours.. Ive done some of this in Germany. Brought to you by the Premier Content Network, The Great War Documentary Series (2010), The Great War Documentary Series (1964), The First World War (2003) Documentary Series, World War 2: The Complete History Documentary Series (2000), The Great War (Soviet Storm ) Documentary Series (2010), The World at War Documentary Series (19731974), Battlefront Documentary Documentary Series (2001), Victory at Sea Documentary Series (1952), Apocalypse: The Second World War Documentary Series (2009), Regimental Stories Documentary TV Series (2011), Elizabeth I, The Virgin Queen Documentary Series, Royal Marines Behind the Lines Documentary TV Series (1985), Britains Bloody Crown Documentary Series (2016), Britains Bloodiest Dynasty Documentary Series (2014), King Henry VIII: Man, Monarch, Monster Documentary Series, Britains Biggest Warship Documentary Series (2018), Wings Over Vietnam: Documentary Series The Missions (1988), The World Wars Documentary Series (2014), Greatest Tank Battles Documentary Series (2010), Churchills Bodyguard Documentary Series (2005), Andrew Marrs History of the World Documentary Series (2012), Russias Lost Princesses Documentary Series (2014), Walking Through History Documentary Series (2013), Ancient Rome: The Rise and Fall of an Empire Documentary Series (2006), Royal Secrets Documentary Series ( 1996 ), Finnish Troops in Afghanistan Documentary, Russian War Diggers : The Germans Hurriedly threw their Equipment in the River. It is very sensitive to symbolic things, symbolic defeats, symbolic victories, he said of Russia. The sponsors are Washington, London, and the collective Brussels.. Brought to you by the Premier Content Network, The Great War Documentary Series (2010), The Great War Documentary Series (1964), The First World War (2003) Documentary Series, World War 2: The Complete History Documentary Series (2000), The Great War (Soviet Storm ) Documentary Series (2010), The World at War Documentary Series (19731974), Battlefront Documentary Documentary Series (2001), Victory at Sea Documentary Series (1952), Apocalypse: The Second World War Documentary Series (2009), Regimental Stories Documentary TV Series (2011), Elizabeth I, The Virgin Queen Documentary Series, Royal Marines Behind the Lines Documentary TV Series (1985), Britains Bloody Crown Documentary Series (2016), Britains Bloodiest Dynasty Documentary Series (2014), King Henry VIII: Man, Monarch, Monster Documentary Series, Britains Biggest Warship Documentary Series (2018), Wings Over Vietnam: Documentary Series The Missions (1988), The World Wars Documentary Series (2014), Greatest Tank Battles Documentary Series (2010), Churchills Bodyguard Documentary Series (2005), Andrew Marrs History of the World Documentary Series (2012), Russias Lost Princesses Documentary Series (2014), Walking Through History Documentary Series (2013), Ancient Rome: The Rise and Fall of an Empire Documentary Series (2006), Royal Secrets Documentary Series ( 1996 ), Finnish Troops in Afghanistan Documentary, Russian War Diggers : We found a huge Pit with Soldiers & German things from WW2. Its just the cradle, not the tripod base but anyone who knows WWII MG34/42 mounts can see how this worked. World War 2: The Complete History Documentary Series (2000) The Great War (Soviet Storm ) Documentary Series (2010) The World at War Documentary Series (19731974) Battlefront Documentary Documentary Series (2001) Victory at Sea Documentary Series (1952) Dogfights Documentary Series (2005) The fighting has been so intense that some Ukrainian troops say they are taken aback by seeing so many Russian casualties. Until then, however, they face a relentless opponent that keeps creeping forward in a grim, block-by-block struggle on the front lines of the city. Without giving mucht of the details, I can recall two serious incidents this year with WW1 UXO in Western Flanders.. You captured that well: Germans are NOT interested about their war past. BERLIN By day, the workers used heavy machinery to dig pits and trenches. What is one to do if a minor skirmish was held in ones front yard? Sledgehammers were thrown into the Finnish embassy by a group of masked men prompting a plea to guarantee the safety of He claims that Ukrainians killed their own people & also used actors to stage a fake production and blame Russia. And he was not /is not alone in his pursuit. You cant differentiate the 2, either all battlefield collection weapons/artifacts are unethical, or we accept them all. If Russian forces had captured the main highway, their troops could have bypassed Bakhmut and quickly advanced to the industrial town of Kostyantinivka, Ukrainian commanders and officials said. Many locals are NOT keen on this sort of thing and we tried to be very discreet about what we were doing. WebVintage Antique Russian Dagestan Silver 84 Dagger Sword Knife W/Leather Scabbard. Compared to old indigenous sites here, there is hardly anything we dont already know about the fighting in WWII and the people involved so are diggers really hurting anything of value? Last week, an Antifake guest, Grigory Pernavsky, argued that the supposed Bucha hoax seemed to echo what Russia still insists was a fake chemical attack in the Syrian town of Douma in 2018. Thanks. On the other hand, Im used to the vision of responsible archaeologists laying out a careful grid on a site, digging slowly and gently, and carefully recording each artifact uncovered the relic hunters I see are far from that model, prying rifles out of the ground after uncovering one end. Here is what it will look like when complete: In another part of Antifake, Smol recapped the Russian Defense Ministrys claim that it was deeply suspicious that three full days had elapsed between the dayit saidits troops left Bucha, March 30, and April 3, when the video of more than a dozen bodies on Yablonska Street was posted on Twitter by Ukraines military. Fighting has moved from the small private houses on the east side of the town, across the river to the multistory residential blocks in the center. diggers In that Facebook video, the secretary of Buchas city council, Taras Shapravsky, advised residents who had fled Bucha that the town was not yet entirely free of Russian troops. Not that one shouldnt exercise caution anyway.. There are black and white archaeologists. The History Channel for an in-depth view of the Past, Here is another Relics find from the Russian War Diggers. 9:36am. The EOD school has numerous report of accident from WW 1 ordnance that was dug up almos 75 year after they were fired. It is quite common in MD, VA, WV, and PA to hunt for American Civil War items. Because the horrifying truth of what happened in Bucha, Ukraine, during the Russian occupation last month is unpalatable to officials in Moscow, the Russian government has invented a lurid fantasy to tell its own people. Seconding Dave, it still happens here in the South that Civil War artifacts are sometimes found during routine construction. Artillery is pushing us back, he said. I can also sympathize with the idea that these artifacts are slowly rusting away to nothing, and unlike pottery and stone tools they simply wont exist in another hundred years so why not take the opportunity to salvage them? Dead bodies lie on a street in Bucha, northwest of Kyiv, Ukraine on April 2, 2022.Photos: Ronaldo Schemidt/AFP via Getty Images. You can go mad a bit.. A screenshot of a discussion of the Bucha massacre on The Great Game, Russian state televisions realpolitik talk show. Genuine video of dead bodies was played in a frame constructed of the word fake, in Russian and English, repeated over and over. Relic hunting just messes the whole archaeological feature up. On top of it, the guns are returning after 65 years in soil back into iron ore. Not worth of effort, thank you very much! The five men managed to escape before the soldiers arrived. On their latest excavation mission in Klessin, VBGO volunteers found the remains of 15 German and one Russian soldier. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to identify them. On Sunday, Russian state television broadcast video of the dead in Bucha, but in a conspiratorial report that echoed false claims from defense officials in Moscow who mistakenly said two of the figures could be seen moving and so must be crisis actors just pretending to be dead. In fact, the video was posted on Twitter on April 2 by a member of Ukraines parliament and then broadcast on Ukrainian television at 7:03 p.m. that night. I expect this is a subject more familiar to our European readers than folks here in the US the idea is President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine won strong backing, officially became the military alliances 31st member, in the fiercely contested city of Bakhmut. Nazi War Diggers, which was also pulled from its schedule by Foxtel in Australia in 2015, consists of four one-hour episodes during which the excavation team traces, Videos that cause you a flurry of emotions, may, in fact, turn out to be soullessly and cynically manufactured fakes, the shows producers say. It was fused and the explosives would destroy a tank as it was intended. I know these to be true as my father was a boy at the time and watched these pits get filled with everything that came off the local air bases, from trucks and jeeps to guns, ammunition, tools the lot.. the question I have is is it possible to try and find this stuff or are there any legal channels that you have to go through? The assault came only just in time, with Russian troops beginning toclose in on the Chasiv Yar roadas well. Since I have gotten into firearms collecting it seems like just another realm of collecting with a of. 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