We are also men of the same nature as you, and preach the gospel to you that you should turn from these vain things to a living God, WHO MADE THE HEAVEN AND THE EARTH AND THE SEA AND ALL THAT IS IN THEM. Why shouldnt the Truth be out there as well? How he heals is also a choice made by each believer because many think different on this also. Let God arise and let His enemies be scattered ! `in His hand is a sharp sickle.`. share the gospel. JeffM, I believe you misintrepeted my comment about obeying God. He then slapped his hands on the shoulder itself and commanded the arm to grow out. I can understand that. etc. We dont rely on one event or one experience as the whole crux of our spiritual salvation. I am so excited to watch this, to see how Torbin is excited ,not about himself but about what God is doing. It is necessary for the natural thinking world to see the supernatural part of God operating through us, because we are all spirit filled and supernatural beings too, and God is also a spirit. You mean well but you are not. Morningstar News Praise the Lord! The answer to that question is I most certainly try when I feel the Lord speaking to me. common, ordinary, plain, usual, Related Words There isnt any! Friends this is the descent into WIERDSVILLE!!! Sondergaard advocates a view known as restorationism.. Not as playthings, not as things we use and do with as WE (flesh) please. God uses His Word to instill the truth within our hearts. Paul was always on guard for the church and admonishing and warning constantly with the help of the Holy Spirit, and with good reason. By recognizing the spirit operating over our news media, we can avoidspeaking to them altogether, giving them no opportunity to twist our words for their evil purposes. Moses was filled with UNBELIEF.Moses did not BELIEVE that God would do what He said He was going to do. Finally, and most importantly, I never saw anyone who was healed, truly repent and declare Jesus as Lord. So I hope we will pray for these brothers that they will be able to stand and remain in simplicity when the enemy comes, that the fear of the Lord would be the beginning of wisdom in every area and situation. Today, Torben has been in prison for over 250 days. Kids have serious peer pressure nowadays. Simon Braker And even the weaker among us serve a purpose in testing the character of the stronger..oh my, yes, how we treat our weaker members tells a tale, thats for sure. So the Hebrews ASSUMED THEY KNEW GODS FORMULA FOR SUCCESS. A friend of mine said that it is unimportant how we baptize our job is just to save sinners. We strive like Paul towards the prize of the High Calling in Christ Jesus. it was very common in the early church and i just studed Jude , one chapter . The fact that He never did such things was not simply that He wanted to make his followers honest and sincere, but also because He was communicating Life, and building a kingdom not of this world or according to its principles. Everything God does is HOLY- EVERYTHING GOD DOES FOR US , IN IS AND THROUGH IS IS HOLY-His love is holy, His works are holy , His miracles are holy, His motives are holy EVERYTHING INITIATED AND COMPLETED BY MAN IS UNHOLY AND PROFANE! 1 Could 2032 Be the Year of the Lords Return? The man removed the wooden leg and stood before Seymour standing on his one good leg. How can anyone with a sound mind say that In Jesus and the apostles day their miracles were accompanied by this nascent WIERDSVILLE? the 3rd sign is being fufilled. But it seems they had not spiritual fathers to teach them to temper themselves, and no watchmen to watch their backs, just accolades after accolades and pats on the back and a pedestal to stand upon, and so now we see the sad results. He touched the ear of the servant of the high priest. I didnt want it to be about me so I asked my young lady helper to lay hands on her and pray . He knows the grief of a wounded spirit. I just read Luke 7 where Jesus raises the widows son from the dead and great fear and rejoicing fell on all the crowd. Yes, Andrew, any trickster can appear to do miracles. Luk 9:50 KJV And Jesus said unto him, FORBID HIM NOT: for he that is not against us IS FOR US. Jesus MULTIPLIED BREAD AND FISH in a sleight of hand. Satan even disguises himself as an angel of light to deceive us. Consider how different Torbens Jesus is from the Jesus in the Scriptures. WebWe are here to tell you the truth about Torben Sondergaard and The Last Reformation. EVERYTHING IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS BASED ON FAITH/TRUST AND SURRENDER. This video speaks of the amazing things that happen when you take new believers out healing the sick, preaching and baptizing, etc. I still have a lot on my heart regarding TLR, the kickstarts, etc. John the Dreamer Stephen St. Louis..your post was SO on target. I am relying on the tweets from the liquidator . This was a huge pitfall I saw with the Toronto Blessing when I was there. I think you are right Barry. Let Gods holy fire and righteousness blaze like a torch Pharisees. I simply yielded to what Jesus wanted to do in that household! God is doing a work in all believers. My main point in all this to merely to ask the hard questions. happen when this is done. And I just saw that I was already guilty in the minds of the politicians. The only way to know what is of God is for God to show you in some way, and all the people that do not live a life of obedience are unable to hear from God about some things . Torben has a deep and open heart and very anointed ministry, he is really amazing, check him out on YouTube, The Last Reformation. After all, Paul was not sinless like Jesus. Go Torben . Its obvious from these verses that those performing these counterfeit miracles do so under the honest belief that they are doing them in the name of Jesus, but God is clear that they are not. torben So the real test is that you will react to something the way Jesus wants you to react, and you are unable to do that if you dont always listen and obey. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. There may have been those that didnt respond in love and in a true biblical manner to honestly test the spirits, but to generalize anyone who didnt believe the video as true biblical healing as a cynic was wrong to do. etc, support Bob Jones. Jesus had no thought of creating an organization or formal group around Himself, nor did he teach disciples to form any such organized group. A bush that burns but is never consumed So then, after the Lord had spoken to them, He was received up into heaven, and sat down at the right hand of God. My friends, that is not discernment. Torbens testimonies and teachings have increased my faith and given me confirmation. And God really isnt interested whether you like what He is doing or not. WebTorben Sndergaard was born in 1976 in a non-christian family. In Jesus name we pray ! It is not a matter of pooh-poohing miracles, not at all for I have seen the Spirit of God at work, as have so many many believers, but it would never have even dawned on me to get a video camera and if that thought ever came to me I would have to say get thee behind me Satan for thou hast not in mind the things of God but the things of man. Now was I healed, by the Healer, Lord Jesus (to whom I give all credit, thanks and the glory) because of the leg pulling method, or despite it..? Barry do you (or anyone else.?.) As a result, he became a punching bag on Danish TV as guests on news programspushed for a new law against Christians who allegedly inflicted mental violence against children through healings and deliverance. I just read 1 Kings 18. Gods whole plan was to tabernacle with man, and yet the Hebrews wanted Moses to hear from God and they would do whatever God told Moses to tell them to do. So what does it look like when you have a whole congregation full of demons, principalities, powers, rulers of wickedness, familiar spirits, witchcraft practicioners.and then the Glory of God comes to set people free all at once? Come on people! Of course not. Seymour then asked the one-armed man, Can you work with just the one arm? I know that Im sticking my neck out with this post but I cannot remain silent on this issue . Why did God allow Korban to include the scammers an fakes favorite trick as part of this video? WebWe are here to tell you the truth about Torben Sondergaard and The Last Reformation. a) (Qal) Christians out on the street very quickly to pray for the sick and That is what makes it an exciting journey. : of strange or extraordinary character : ODD, FANTASTIC, Antonyms The Cross Only the Death Sentence Will Avail is lacking. They want hope, need hope and the only hope is found in God! In 2011, Torben and his wife formed a Christian organization calledThe Last Reformation (TLR)which emphasizes preaching of the gospel, healing the sick, deliverance, and discipleship. Your email address will not be published. 2000 years agp the worldly people called Yeshuas followers Christians. Seymour laid hands on the man and proclaimed, Let Thy Name be Glorified. So, he went out looking for sick people to pray for. Last week we published a video of an old friend of mine, Torben We have to toss out the whole leg lengthening healing as I dont think God would use such a questionable healing in order to show His might to the world. Mental facilities will be empty because everyone will be given a sound mind, just like the man with the legion of demons in him. Caroline Diadem Theres a schism in the church; those who believe Acts was for that time only, and those who believe that the empowerment that happened in Acts is for the churchs lifetime until He returns. intolerant, hate mongers, bigots, homophobes, etc.) It also helps with our conversation to each other to be encouraging & uplifting, & helps us to discern error when people would give us Get ready! Jon Miltimore This is nothing but human sorcery at its worst . 1) to put to flight by terrifying (to scare away) And it is the church of the future. In order to test the spirits, I am compelled to ask why in the hearings in this video, doesnt God use ones like He did in the NTthat are without question? I believe what Torben is doing is just the tip of the iceberg of what is to come. The prophet Isaiah said, arise and let your light shine.. This Youtube clip is titled How to Remember the 5 Fold Church Ministry and is part of a longer teaching by Sondergaard, titled Reformation of the Church System . (Luke 5: 13) WebTorben Sndergaard was born in 1976 in a non-christian family. And to go forward into the `true,` is to `know Christ more,` as the Apostle Paul & Roger, here, have encouraged us to do. There are other keys but it is good to get used to using one for awhile first. WebHe was fully ordained in 1990 by Bethel Missionary Baptist Church under Pastor John L. Reamer where approximately 10 years later he became the Pastor and continues there today. `in His right hand He held the 7 sealed book.`, This shows the reconciliative advocacy of the exalted Son of Man. I have been privileged to partner with the Lord Jesus in such healings in public places with the late Neville Logan back in the 70s. WebMichelle Cabada's birthday is 10/30/1969 and is 52 years old.Previously cities included Fullerton CA and Lake Havasu City AZ. I was familiar with sick people, having ministered to them for so many years. The whole left-right paradigm is justpart of the deception to convince us to let our guards down by assuming we can trust news reports coming from the right, but its just another flavor of the same poison. Exd 16:10 KJV And it came to pass, as Aaron spake unto the whole congregation of the children of Israel, that they looked toward the wilderness, and, behold, the GLORY of the LORD APPEARED in the cloud. That LIST of what is acceptable behavior for God is what got the Jews CUT OFF of the Vine. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWOPcBry4-k. Time will tell if Torben has been sent by God to do the ministry works of Jesus as His ambassador on this earth. Step 5. As proof of the spiritual authenticity of Torbens healings, you rely upon multitudes of people supporting your position. Hi Michael You forgot to mention that one of the undercover reporters, mentally ill one when he asked Trben if he should continue with hes medication, Trben said NO. Should we not be of the same mind? Jesus wants us to come to him now!! When He praised the faith of people, it was not because of their orthodox theology, or the fact that they belonged to some organization, but on account of their simple faith in His person, http://awildernessvoice.com/OneBodyInChrist-Chapt06.html, Roger..Absolutely Beautiful. And he saw people being healed, getting up off of sick beds in the hospital, going home well, etc. Bill Johnsons ministry could not save her and she died. You must be part of the deception then because this stuff is of the occult, demonic manifestations , false signs meant to deceive. Rom 12:3 For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think [of himself] more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith. That HE speaks the truth in our hearts/spirit by the Spirit of truth? Jhn 17:13 NASB But now I come to You; and these things I speak in the world so that they may have My joy made full in themselves. b) to fear, be afraid c) (Piel) to make afraid, terrify His Kinship (relational) was expressed epressed Matthew, His Heirship in Mark, His Mediatorship in Luke & His Judgeship in John. . Michelle Okeson Bill Johnson, and all these false prophets, teachers, evangelists, WebTorben Sondergaard calling from jail: GUILTY. Remembering that the enemy is subtle, counterfeiting the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. Johnson does say something quite alarming in his book, When Heaven Invades Earth. He says, He (Jesus) performed miracles, wonders, and signs, as a man in right relationship to God.not as God (page 29). If you do not understand something it is better to be quiet because it is possible your fighting against God. I saw a lady several weeks later who looked like this lady but because this lady was a normal size I thought it might be her sister . He touched the man full of leprosy. My kids and I actually went out and did it too. We dont consider Him to have been of weak faith. 430 talking about this. We begged my unbelieving husband to let us pray for him. Thank you Roger! Peculiar particles called Manna falling from the sky Ha, ha, ha! Pastor James Durham Danish Evangelist Torben Sondergaard, shown above with his family, founded and headed a ministry in Denmark called The Jesus Center, which trained disciples from thirty nations. Bob Jones is the guy who told Todd Bentley about Emma the angel. Hallelujah, thank you Lord, you are so faithful. He had a bout with fear as the guards told him he would spend a long time in prison and then be deported, the fate of virtually all the inmates at ICEs Baker County Facility in Florida. The Holy Spirit jumped for joy within me. Exd 4:6 KJV And the LORD said furthermore unto him, Put now thine hand into thy bosom. Yeshua said, of myself I can do nothing but only what I see and hear of the Father. Official Update on Torben Sondergaard: March 7, 2023. All companies are still active. And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising. And I will add that God will SEND His apostles, and prophets, etc.. to the people, just as He did with John the Baptist and every other man and woman of God that He has used over the centuries. Frederic William Engdahl Yeshua is not returning for Christians He is only returning for His sheep who hear His voice and follow Him. Nate Johnston We have to go Arrested NOT for Gun Smuggling, but for no-visa & fake Asylum - to be deported to Denmark. weird, eerie, uncanny mean mysteriously strange or fantastic. by Jonathan Welton. believe this authentic move of the Holy Spirit is only recent..? Jesus healed in the synagogue too. This supernatural revival among the normal ordinary folk that I prophesied about is waiting for us to cease from our religious striving, place all our hope and confidence in Jesus alone plus nothing of ourselves, surrender and yield to the Holy Spirit who will come like a pent up flood when we do. Having said that however, God never asks us to throw our common sense out the window. In the political world (which I dont participate in) this is what the liberal left does to conservatives by calling them names (e.g. The gifts that are talked about in the NT are not like a pack of pencils that are doled out 1 to each person. Jesus 1st miracle was getting a whole wedding party DRUNK.by turning water into the very best of wines. If this work of Torben is not of God then it will come to nothing, but if it is of God then God Himself will confirm His word and His minister. He has regard for all. Averyl Randalls PC is down, but he is OK no doubt he will be back soon. And when man USES these things, that is witchcraft. Official Update on Torben Sondergaard: March 7, 2023. One day, when he was 16, his mother had a stroke. Former followers, former board members of the organisation, the press, other churches, and professionals have described his organisation, The Last Reformation, as extreme, dangerous, and a cult. Are you married? The Hebrews had been praying for over 400 years and received no freedom from their judgment of slaverythey were filled with UNBELIEF. Lets be respectful to one another as co-inheritors of the Kingdom and not act in our flesh. The devil visited Jesus, just as the devil visits us in one form or another. If there is one charlatan, then they rebuke all who perform wonders and healings in the Name of Jesus. Jhn 17:16 NASB They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. I agree that Christ is the focus, and that He is the key actually (Key of David) and also that the Holy Spirit is our guide and teacher, amen. chas351.Thank you for your Jonathan Welton post. he was encouraging the early church to return to the FIRE OF GOD thay had when the church was BORN IN ACTS 2 after the preaching of Gods word lifting up Jesus and the Father sent the Gift as promised. But I dont think he forbids us either to learn and talk about what scripture teaches us, concerning not profaning the holy things (specifically miracles) and where it can lead, especially where miracles are taking place. reformation last At that instant, I observed my friend was motioning me to come and join him in prayer for the woman who was sick. Within a year, the situation became untenable and out of fear the Danish government was planning to arrest him for practicing his faith, Torben and his family made the difficult decision to flee their homeland. What I will do differently than what I saw in the first video is to not make a big deal about what happened if God heals them. And, do you understand why that might be a bad thing to do? If there is one, then I would ask the readers of this site to please post it for our enlightenment. He said it and that settles it. Jda 016, 38 And now I say to you, keep away from these men and let them alone; for if this plan or this work is of men, it will come to nothing; 39 but if it is of God, you cannot overthrow itlest you even be found to fight against God.. Former followers, former board members of the organisation, the press, other churches, and professionals have described his organisation, The Last Reformation, as extreme, dangerous, and a cult. (Galatians 5:15 NASB), If you slander Gods children then God doesnt like it , I would rather stay silent about someone than slander them. WebTorben makes friends for himself and not for the Living Resurrected Lord of all. FEAR NOT is listed in the King James version144 times. I am fortunate to have a dedicated group of believers in my life wherein we hold each other accountable and encourage each other in a daily walk in the spirit. One more thing. She told me she had a 275 pound tumor growing inside her stomach which was cutting off her lungs and internal organs from functioning. His mother really meant a lot to him and when he heard this bad news he cried and cried and then he prayed to God. The healer used the leg pulling method I felt fire through my legs and into my lower back. Christy Johnston Even in our disagreements we need to be glorifying God in all that we do. A friend of mine wanted to know about Bill Johnson, because he has a friend who is caught up in the Bill Johnson ministry stuff. But that needs to be tempered the way Jesus tempered it, otherwise there is the danger of being made into a king, and then all simplicity is lost. Why cant people see this? It occurred to me that all that was necessary was to touch the tips of my fingers on the top of the patients head, and then the vibrations would not jar her. No indeed Trenton, I dont think hes a charlatan either, the thought never even entered my mind. Its not a matter of some are more humble or nicer or more genuine etc, because ALL our flesh has the same susceptibilities and needs to forget what the left hand is doing. I also believe that `experiencing,` comes through being changed into His likeness, which is the most amazing work of God in our lives. In January 2019, Torben, his family and work they were doing atThe Jesus Centerbecame the target of what appeared to be a coordinatedeffort to shut down his ministry. Do you think because you read the bible that if you saw a man calling Himself Jesus, this very day, YOU WOULD BELIEVE IT WAS HIM? Did they do this? Yeah, I think the bottom line is that people really need to read their bible more, and pray as you do it. It needs to be the Holy Spirit enlightening our eyes with His keys for interpreting His Word. God always has and always will place things in the midst of His miracles that cause the insincere and the sceptic to be scandalized over and can be interpreted as either genuine or a scam. Tell me from Gods word why it is wrong to test the spirits? It would seem to me that they possess the redemption of God and now God can display His righteousness through them. Christopher Harris When a man asked Kohn Wesley what his secret was he said to the man, I suggest that you let God light you on fire and people will come and watch you burn!, My email: hope this is safe- what the heck safe sucks! Lets compare this to what Torben is doing. Does that mean they REPENTED AND GOT BORN AGAIN? The man ran upon the platform and around the room. torben sondergaard unionleader You will be glad you did. Danish Evangelist Torben Sondergaard, shown above with his family, founded and headed a ministry in Denmark calledThe Jesus Center, which trained disciples from thirty nations. Maybe it was the fact that the video started with legs growing out instead of the more impressive healings I dont know. My point is that I think it disappointing when someone wants to genuinely and biblically, test the spirits, and they are met with personal attacks rather than answering the genuine questions that are being raised. But let Gods people yield to Jesus and let their Jesus light shine out of them and the world will begin to hate Gods people, will begin to respect Gods people, will begone to fear Gods people and multitudes will begin to LISTEN TO GODS PEOPLE for the lost sheep will begin hear the voice of the Shepherd IN HIS PEOPLE AND WILL FOLLOW HIM. 2) to stand in awe of, be awed Just as God turns unrepentant sinners over to their sins, He will send strong delusion to those who want to be deceived. I know every true child of God wants to get in the game and see Jesus move and love and work in them and through them. Why there are so many conflicting statements here on the blog & not always the truth is that people have not been taught how God desires His Word to be interpreted. This means we ALREADY HAVE THIS REVIVAL LIGHT OF JESUS IN US SHINING! This video and your words have brought me to tears..tears of joy, excitement, and thanksgiving to Almighty God. Read what Jesus Christ had to say (RIGHT FROM HIS OWN LIPS) about it here: Mar 9:38 KJV And John answered him, saying, Master, we saw one casting out devils IN THY NAME, and he followeth not us: and we forbad him, because he followeth not us. Web1. ** Katherine Lehman But Yeshua calls His followers sheep. I hear you Lightning Storm. Jeffrey A. Tucker Theres talk of not judging, unless you know the person, but then no one here knows me, yet judges me. They complain about the driver, while they sit and do nothing. Have any of these things happened since you made the original post? And there also those who embrace every wind of doctrine, and all signs and wonders, regardless of their source. He told us that He is our ONLY Teacher Matthew 23:8-10; and the 5 fold ministry He has gifted to His Body, is Him, so let us seek His understanding to find out who are those of Him and those who are false 5 fold ministers.. The practices of Rick Joyners school and Bill Johnsons are very similar. Torben Sondergaard is a self-proclaimed apostle and faith healer from Denmark who claims to receive revelations and visions directly from God. He is an independent agent creating his own kingdom of the world, presenting it as the Kingdom of God. No, because man can not do these things, lest God be in us. . Many confessing christians are surrounded by familiar spirits because of unrepentant sins; Many are INFLUENCED by principalities and powers because of a lack of Walking by the Holy Spirit. He was making the essential distinction between those who were Gods and those who were not, not a sectarian distinction among those who were Gods. I have watched many of Last Reformation videos on YouTube and listened to his teachings. It is always Christ plus something else (usually new age). They came to the US and applied for asylumin the early 2019.On June 30, 2022 Torben was asked to attend an interview withU.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to discuss his immigration status in Orlando. Excerpt taken from Your Power In The Holy Spirit By John G Lake. If legs are lengthened, I say, Halleluia and thank you Jesus. This despicable scheme happened to take the Torben Family out of harms way, Hes welcome to come to Australia if he can jump through all the hoops, 11. Michelle R Sondergaard, Michelle Cabada Juan, Michelle R Cabana and Michelle R Cabada are some of I agree jda, we ought to be leary of people like Bill Johnson. torben Maybe it was the fact that the video started with legs growing out instead of the more impressive healings I dont know. Jesus is coming soooooon, His return is imminent. He regards the distressing circumstances of the poor widows. We need to cry out every day to God and say Lord I want more and He loves to hear us say this. Where ever we may find ourselves, anywhere with Jesus we can safely go Psalm 23,91, It means that God will not stop, until every human and fallen angel comes home Ray. , Something similar happened to General George S. Patton during World War II. Today, Torben has been in prison for over 250 days. People can either answer yes I do what The Lord tells me to do , or then whatever they say , whatever it may sound like , they are really saying no I do not do everything The Lord tells me to do. Exalted son of man however, God never asks us to throw our common sense out the window about. Now!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spiritual authenticity of Torbens healings, you rely upon multitudes of people supporting your position mind. Charlatan, then I would ask the hard questions 2000 years agp the worldly people called Yeshuas Christians... I saw with the Toronto Blessing when I was familiar with sick people, having ministered to them for many... Like Paul towards the prize of the servant of the Lords Return '' '' < /img > Kids have serious peer pressure nowadays in His hand! 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Excited, not about himself but about what God is BASED on FAITH/TRUST and SURRENDER preaching and baptizing,.. Have any of these things, lest God be in us Lord said furthermore him! And he saw people being healed, truly repent and declare Jesus as Lord //johnhartnettdotorg.files.wordpress.com/2020/05/24fa1-torben-sondergaard-214x214-1.png? w=580 '' alt=...
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