Build your base and mileage so you reach the milage you want to/will have during the fundamental period. You will begin to do some stuff like 3 x 300 very fast. Weekly Anaerobic Threshold run of 20 minutes minimum. This will be a long post, so grab your favourite cup of tea or coffee before continuing. 7x600m. rest= 2+3+4 r 6 (2400m) 800m sage Similar type of plyometric training was done by olympic champion Vebjrn Rodal (1.42 on 800m). 8x400m 90 sec rec. For HS male runners who are fastest at their school, but run an 800m in about 2:05 (or slower), look at the TFRRS.Org rankings for female college athletes in the 400m and 1500m to see where you would rank. For the middle distance Renato Canova has mentioned that it might be more useful for the middle distance runner to run less steep hill and somewhat longer reps 15-20s, to be more spesific with the speed training. To create a realistic training plan, consider working with a coach or trainer who can tailor a plan to your individual needs and goals. 3. 3. 800m pace The Tokyo Olympic finalist showed his class as one of the worlds premier metric milers, dropping a last 800 split that is pure quality. Progresses to 3x500m with 5 min rec. Room Circuit Training one day/week Start of season: Long hills (100m in length) Different quantities depending on preseason training 2 groups: 9/10 and 11/12 Alternate which does hills first 2-3 coaches at the hill (JOG to and from hill = mile) Coach selects partners or small groups The 800 and 1500m events are analyzed in detail to provide an understanding of what is required to race and win. Examples on how you can progress the long aerobic intervals during the special period: 1: 51000/5x1200m at increasing speed per rep and per 400/rest 2+3+4+5 (5000-6000m) From what I understand they share many of the same training principles. Web400m/800m Training: Hills vs. Wt. 3-4 min recovery (400m pace). Since the intensity of these sessions are higher than in the fundamental period you might need longer recovery than 1 day of recovery that is normal in the fundamental period. Aim to run each 800m rep at your goal marathon pace or faster and float at 30 seconds per kilometre slower than your marathon pace during the 400m rest interval. Part 1 Prepping Your Body for a Faster Run 1 Eat the right diet. Add some bodyweight exercises at the end of workouts, about 3 times per week. The 40 Yard Dash in the NFL is a 4+ second, power-based sprint that can be completed WITHOUT breathing. Training is not to replace, but to add as Renato Canova says. When they did drop down to the 800m they were able to run around 1:48 - the fastest on our talented team. 2. Try to diminish any weak points you have. An athlete has a schedule that helps them to add in, and spread out, the different intensities each week - including weight room, strides, drills, and core work. Paces can range from 400m pace to marathon pace. We can settle into a 6-month training block, which helps with a predictable annual build-up or increase in volume. You are building 2 bases. He was still competitive in international races into the late 80s and, in 1990, the 38-year-old had the opportunity to run another championship event at home when he competed at the Auckland Commonwealth Games in the 800m and 1500m. 50 min easy jog 2 min rest +general strength/core (3k pace) 1520 sec hill sprints (300s running) This athlete may be running well in cross country, basketball, or soccer - accumulating the aerobic base / mileage needed to build a powerful aerobic approach to the 800m. 3. Weight training is intense and important during this phase. Reduce recovery $112.49 USD for the first year, billed yearly. 50 min easy jog Long aerobic intervals: 3x800m rest= 8 and 10 min (2400m) 2. The pace is about 45-60 minute race pace (15K-20K race pace, maybe). If the athlete has a significant athletic background in other sports, he / she may be able to get to these volumes in their 1st season. 10x300m. 1500m pace 5x1000m 2 min rec. These will be done for all 26 weeks. Research Special Endurance workouts and come up with a plan. Web800m training program for 400m & 800m runners. She is competing in the London 2012 Games and has reached the 1500m final. RPE 5. + general strength/core (800m pace) Bringing together the various forms of training: I dont think there is any need of running longer than 1 hour for the 800m runner. Now you are gradually backing down from the VO2 work and Tempo work. Introductive period: This year's race was won by Nick Lorenz, current open state champion in the 800m and 1500m, in a time of 4:37. Progresses to 6x500m 90 sec rec. Example: 58 seconds up a steep hill with slow walk back recovery. During the special period some sessions from the fundamental period is kept. Read Winning Running (Coe), Athletics (Wells Cerutty), and Better Training for Distance Runners (Martin / Coe) to broaden your understanding of strength and speed development at the Olympic level. He was run out in the 800m semis and, in the 1500m final, he was tripped and fell at the 600m mark. The problem is to sustain the race pace for a long time. This I am a former middle-distance runner from NSW with personal bests of 3:37 for 1500m, 3:58 for the Mile and 1:48 for 800m. There are always exceptions, but my recommendations are based on my observations of thousands of runners, not the exception. The endurance phenom (Type II) will likely hold the high mileage closer to Week 17. The person who is good at both the 400m and the 1500m will strive to mix both abilities to the precise level to maximize performance. I observe many coaches making this mistake in their coaching. I include warm-up routines as mileage. Do 20-30 min continuously or you can split it up into intervals like 55 minutes with 1 minute recoveries. An improvement in pace should come from a naturally increase in shape, not from trying to run harder each repetition. 8x200m 90 sec rec. Training models and racing strategies that perceive the 800m and 1500/1600m as similar will undermine the optimal adaptation of athletes to the unique pacing demands of the 800m. Its time to sharpen your strengths and prepare for the pain of racing. The purpose of these intervals is to increase the Vo2 max and anaerobic threshold. I will now explain the different training periods and the different type of training you should do in each period. 16.45s x 6 =1.39 on 600m In college, the athlete does not fit in perfectly with the speed or endurance folks, but he / she will excel in the 800m and find their niche on the team. WebThe average time to run 800 meters in high school varies based on gender, age, and experience. Current 800m level: An endurance base and a speed base. 2: 3600+2600+2600 rest= 2 and 4 (4200m) 12: 50 min easy jog/alternative training Allow recovery time from weight training. 5: 50 min easy + short hill sprints Long tempo runs at threshold pace (intensity zone 3) should be avoided by 400m/800m runners and pure 800m runners. 500, 400, 300, 200 @ 800m race pace with plenty of rest between each. Here is what a sample schedule may look like. Wednesday starts with another long run (about 60 minutes) and the. This can be a challenge for the 800m runners because its training can be very different for a fast type and resistant runner. 6. The fast 400m/800m type, the pure 800m type and the resistant 800/1500m type. Introductive period: I am not a big fan of medium paced runs in intensity zone 2 for the 400m/800m runner. Negative split means that you run the first interval slower than the others and gradually increase the speed on each interval. The week starts the same with a long run on a Sunday. The Extras: If you plan on sticking around and progressing in the 800 meter run, you need to develop your understanding about Drills, Core Work, and Weight Training. 6. 3400+3300+3400 rest= 2 and 4 (3300m) WebThe average time to run 800 meters in high school varies based on gender, age, and experience. Therefore, the objective of this review was to integrate scientific and best practice literature and outline a novel framework for understanding the training and The total weekly mileage for the 400/800m runner is of less importance. Lisa Dobriskey is a middle distance runner from Kent, UK. Monday morning is tracks training, concentrating on running and drills, following by an easy loosener run later in the day. Increase rest if the athlete is miserable. You will still have sessions from the fundamental period present in this period. Progression is running longer repetition, more repetitions or with reduced recovery at race pace. The 2-4 weeks should consist of only easy jogging, strides and some short hills sprints. The intervals should be performed mostly in intensity zone 4-5. This is also true for training in season, you still need to keep the elements from earlier periods of training (endurance, speed, strength, plyometrics) while you are doing specific training, but in smaller amount or less frequent than in the base training of course. 8. Half-squats: Ranging from two sets of 5200 reps to two sets of 500 each. This principle also applies to distance runners. WebEndurance Training for the beginner - 800m, 1500m, 5k, 10k, walks Endurance Training 800 metres events. According to RunnerClick, a typical time to run an 800 is around 2:30. 10 to 12 reps of 800m with 400m float. 2x(3x300m) 3 min rec. 4: 50 min easy jog/alternative training Gradually increase the amount of running, and build you fitness. 3x400m 5 min rec (95%-105% of race pace) Watch for signs of overuse injuries. Speed endurance training is usually never less than 150m. Many HS or community runners falsely lean toward declaring they are a sprinter or endurance runner. It is the shortest common middle distance track event. With some drills and footwork this athlete may improve significantly in sprinting and endurance ability. They will improve on this type of training, but the 400/800m type with the same coach will not improve, and probably quit training or changing coach. 500m-1000m Ex. Bent-knee sit-ups: Alternating straight trunk curls with oblique trunk curls (alternate elbows touching the opposite knee); one set of 200-250 reps. WebMy 400m and 800m training programs are versatile and can be used for more than a means to get you your fastest 400m and/or 800m time in 12-20 weeks. For the 40 Yard and 100m, remember that you need to breathe while in the blocks - oxygen plays a basic role in getting you to the starting line and keeping your organs from failing. In summary, I am slow to trust an inexperienced runner until I can spend about a year observing a few specified workouts to build up their perceived weakness. 4. You and I will never stop learning and there is always things that can be done better. Note: Very smart folks debate these numbers on a regular basis. So first you need to figure out what type of 800m runner you are and then train accordingly. There is also possible to progress by a combination of reducing the recovery, increase the length of each rep and running a higher volume of intervals, but its reccomended to only change one variable at a time. Progresses to 6x700m. WebTrack Star USA Release of Liability Agreement. 80% of RP = 15.63/0.8=19.54 sec per 100m Both between repetitions and between training sessions. Likewise, some folks have very little development in coordination-based activities and prefer to just jog because it feels more natural / comfortable. If the athlete has a significant athletic background in other sports, he / she may be able to get to these volumes in their 1st season, but 45 miles can be a lot for some younger people to handle. On Wednesdays she starts with a short run of about half an hour, then an easy run in the afternoon / evening. Progression comes not from increasing the speed but increasing number of repeats or decreasing the rest to increase the ability to run fast with high accumulation of lactate. Full speed. Specific period: Spread out the hard days in your training program. 7: 5600 rest=4+5+6+7 (3000m) I prefer to spread the different training over a 14 day or longer cycle, and I recommend you do the same if you have the possibility. i am 19 years old and i am running 1600 meter but i want to make the endurance. Hazel has crafted for MileSplit a nine-week training regimen to take 800m runners to the next level. High School: 25-45 miles per week, 34-46 weeks per year. The goal is not to create as much force as possible (maximum strength) but create a lot of force within a short period of time (Rate of force development). Special period: So endurance training is becoming faster and getting closer towards race pace and speed training is becoming longer and somewhat slower and also getting closer to race pace. ( 10k to 1500m pace) WebDespite an increasing amount of research devoted to middle-distance training (herein the 800 and 1500 m events), information regarding the training methodologies of world-class runners is limited. I recommend everyone to take at least 2 weeks of total rest. Start with VO2Max #1, then read #2, then read #3. 400m - 500m Race Paces: These paces are used early on in a hot 800 to get in front of the pack / out of traffic. 4. There are of course different opinions on what is the best training, and many will probably disagree with me. If you want a long running career, try to avoid asphalt. Another benefit of hills is that risk of injury is very small and the strength training you get from running fast uphill seems to prevent injuries. The athlete that starts out slower in the race has the added risk of navigating lane changes and crowds (tactics), which can be overcome with experience. Imagine your body has 5 gears (5 paces) running too much in only one gear(pace) will not be optimal and can lead to staleness and injuries. But this is what I have found have worked best and also what seems most logical for me. WebAnaerobic Speed Endurance Training Volume Guidelines 90-100% intensity Category Rest Session Volume Short Speed Endurance- 6-10s 1-3 & 3-10 min. With the proper training and diet, you can increase your personal record and improve your run. Explosive strength is important for 800m runners and plyometric exercises will have a positive impact on the performance. Progresses to 3x400m with 4 min rec. The runs should be a minimum of about 45 minutes, but an occasional run up to 90 minutes is beneficial for the 800m runner. It is a basic aerobic development run that an athlete could do for days aerobically, if only the muscles could function that long and the glucose and fatty energy sources remained effective. Speed training: The plan is suitable for U19-U23 Male or Female athletes looking to bridge the gap to national competition level, or for Senior athletes with the opportunity for one session only daily.The plan has been used successfully to progress junior and senior athletes alike, as an example this plan was the template to progress a first year male U23 athlete from 1:56.7 to 1:52.6. (3-5k pace), Medium length aerobic intervals: Both athletes may keep doing them, but the total volume will not be nearly as demanding as it was. Full speed. The 400m/800m type is the person that has a very fast 400m pb, a good 800m pb, and a somewhat poor 1500m pb compared to the level at the 400m and 800m pb. Visit for training tips, detailed workouts, nutrition info, rest & recovery and injury prevention. Progresses to 2x(4x300m) 3 min rec. This may look like 6 x 30m fly, 2 x 50m fly, 1 x 60m fly. 11. The weekly Long Run may fall into this category. 31000 at increasing speed per rep and per 400m rest 6+7 + general strength/core (3k pace) Important to long Lisa won the gold medal in the womens 1500m event at the 2006 Commonwealth Games and finished 4th in the final of the 1500m in the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing. The short fast speed training later becomes longer and slower. Increasing number of intervals: To run a good 800m you need both speed and endurance. You may find it on the search column that we provide. Most active athletes naturally have a range of paces in their training cycle. In HS, many sprinters have no desire to do the demanding endurance work that they see the distance team doing. 3. Notice that when I am talking about race paces its percentage of your current 800m level, not your goal pace. Track your performance with robust data tracking and detailed graphs. 2600+2600+2600 rest= 3/6 or 2x(5300) rest=1+2+3+4 and 6 + general strength/core (1500m/800m pace) If you have been training good for many months you can compare your 400m/800m/1500m personal best to see what type of 800m runner you are. Walk back recovery. The training advice in this guide will be more suited for 400m/800m type and the pure 800m type. You get efficient at running at different paces, keeps variation in your training and avoids staleness. Start with three 400m runs at a pace a little faster than 1500m, with 5mins recovery after each. 8 min set rec. 5: 2600+2600+1600+1x600m rest=3/5/6 (3600m) 8. 5x1000m. 8 x 800s, 6 x 1000s are examples with 1:1 rest. This is not the time for unhappiness. 3x600m 12 min rec (95%-105% of race pace) Training in this period is gradually progressing towards specific training. Rest Rosedene Multi-Sport is a triathlon and running focused 1:1 coaching practice, with 20 years of experience in coaching runners and 10 years of experience in coaching triathletes. According to RunnerClick, a typical time to run an 800 is around 2:30. The goal of these short uphill sprints is to recruit as many muscle fibres as possible, so you need to run it at a 95-100% intensity with good recoveries. This person can win the 800m at the collegiate level. (3k pace), Short aerobic intervals: This period is important to have to charge your physical and mental energy after a long season with competitions. Weeks 10-17 are likely some of the highest volumes of the season. 3: 3600+2600+2600 rest= 3 and 6 (4200m) Her full training week starts with a one long run of 90 minutes every Sunday (shorter in winter). This training is even beneficial for long distance runners. 2.Use different paces in your training program. If an answer is, definitely yes, to any of the questions, then the training approach may be quite different. Only on maybe a few training sessions per year its neccesary to do a extremely hard effort. 8x100m flat. 1515 sec hill sprints (225s running) 2. 10-1515-20 sec hill sprints. Grant yourself another easy day, and do the hard day the next. So you need to change gears often in your training to get the best progression and adaptation. Significant cross-training and weights: high volumes of sets and reps and lower weights. 1. 2: 41000 at increasing speed per rep and per 400/ rest 4+5+6 (4000m) Progresses to 2x(2x400m) 3 min rec. So you need to keep some of these sessions from the earlier phases of training even in the competition period but with less frequency. (400-800m pace) At the end of this period you should have reached the mileage that you will have in your training during the fundamental period. Basically, you are getting some tough long sprint workouts to get the athlete used to the pain of the 800m. 3x400m 5 min rec. At the end of this period you are basically doing the short intervals at close to or at race pace. Save the energy for the hard track workouts. It may be difficult to establish an accurate 10 minute race pace ability for a Type I 800m runner, for example. 2: 50 min easy + strides/short hill sprints. Strength training should be running specific and be done with a fast explosive execution. Multi pace training is basically to train at many different training paces within a short training cycle 7-14 days. Get feedback, stay on top of your training and perform at your best. Keep you easy days very easy, better to go abit too slow than to fast. We had two different athletes in college who did not compete in the 800m - they were both sub 4:00 milers and XC runners. The training begins with very general training and building of 2 separate bases (speed and endurance) in the introductive period. RPE of 5-7. Keep in 7x600m. You should in most cases not try to do a demanding training session when your body is not ready for it. The legs should have the muscles to handle the work - tired, but not destroyed. Both types do Max Velocity work weekly as one of the Speed sessions. The pure 800m runner is the person who has good pbs on 400m and 1500m, but the 800m pb is better than the 400m and 1500m pb. 8x200m 2 min rec. On Thursdays she does a relaxed run in the morning, and then concentrates on speed drills and preds (preds define a running speed that is calculated using a formula based on age and maximum heart rate to improve endurance). 400m pace. 6: 50 min easy jog or rest We successfully coach athletes and triathletes from beginners to advanced, 800m to the marathon in running and from sprint to iron distance racing in triathlon. Thursday is time to start concentrating on competition day, with warm up and warm down rehearsals plus some strides. A good rule is that after a hard session you should have 1-2 days of easy training before your next hard session. Short aerobic intervals with short recovery: 80-90% of 800m pace pace speeds 1500m 800m wr Generall strength: WebThe 800 meter race (or 800 meters) is a common track running event. If there is a longer period of time without competition you can also go back to train 2-3 week of training from the special period, with less intensity and larger volume than in the specific period. Training Seasons: I am assuming 2 x 6 months training periods per year. 800m/1500m runner seems to respond better to this training. 8x150m 3 min rec. 12. Most of you interval training should be at a controlled pace, where you are running within your own limits. So this means that to perform optimally you need to have these qualities present in you training program and you need to always try to improve or maintain them: long endurance, short endurance, speed, strength training and plyometric training. 800m school blueprint 1500m success track coach Type II Athlete: Could the athlete move up to the 1500 or Mile and find success? MIDDLE DISTANCE 400 METRES/800 METRES/ 1500 METRES Session 1: Continuous Continuous 30 minutes continuous run around the oval Session 2: Long Interval Training Warm up 400 metres slow jog 50 metres high knees lifts, kicking heels high, backward running, side steps left and right, grapevine left and right Long Interval I started to take Spatone before the Olympics in 2008 which has really helped my iron levels. Examples on how you can progress the medium length aerobic intervals during the special period: 1: 4x(2600)= with increase in speed every 200m and rest of 2 min between reps and 4 min between sets (4800m) 13: 8x400m. 1500m Training Influence . Optimal annual volume 800m 1,800-2,400miles Your email address will not be published. WebMy 400m and 800m training programs are versatile and can be used for more than a means to get you your fastest 400m and/or 800m time in 12-20 weeks. All vital components of event training are included from fitness testing, mental conditioning, and multi-pace training to post-event analysis. The athlete who starts out too fast can wilt before our eyes with only 35 meters to go, getting passed by five people in the last few steps. It is important for us to grasp which energy system contributes to the success of the event we are training for. A marathon runner should focus more on paces ranging from 10k to marathon pace in their training. Jon Wade studied Health Sciences at the Open University, specializing in Nutrition, Obesity, Diabetes, and COPD, and also has a BSc. 10.10x120m sprints flat + leg strength (400m pace) 4: 50 min easy The focus is on improving endurance and speed in this period with limited lactic buildup. There can be an increase in speed on the intervals, but that should come from a natural improvement in fitness, not from pushing the pace in training sessions. I understand that physical activity and the participation in any and/or all of Track Star USAs training programs are potentially 8x150m 3 min rec (105%-115% of race pace) Progresses to 7x600m. 4x(3300) rest= 2 and 4 (3600m) Examples on how you can progress the speed training during the special period: 1. - about 10 weeks later. marathonhandbook 8x400m 90 sec rec. WebMIDDLE DISTANCE (800-1500M) BASE TO RACE - HIGH-LEVEL PERFORMANCE Plan Description This 20 week plan, with tune up races, is for the aspirational higher-level Like all athletes Lisa follows two different training schedules, one for when she is competing, which is generally lighter, and one for the rest of the time, which is more intensive and she calls it full training. Progresses to 2x(3x300m) 2 min 30 sec rec. Prepare the body and nervous system for the challenging work in later weeks. Plyometric training. Start at 5K pace and gradually get down to 3K pace work by Week 19. Starting in Week 21-22, weight room work will shift towards maintenance and not growth. Did my mistakes in training, had my injuries, overtraining and so on, so I have learned the hard way. (3-4 months). WebTraining is very individual and in the process of training you need to find out what types of training works for you and what doesnt. Add a few over-distance races. I like to have cycles that last longer than 7 days, because I dont like to be forced to cram in all the training qualities into a 7 day cycle. meter schedules period 1500 run training workout 800m 1500m Read Highly Intelligent Training (Livingstone), No Bugles, No Drums (Snell), or Running to the Top (Lydiard) to expand your understanding of aerobic development at an Olympic level. Intervals has finally arrived at specific pace 95-105% during the progression from the special to the spesific period. All the way up to an entire season. On race day, add some more medium-quality 150s, 200s, or 300s after your race. Running the intervals faster, but with longer recovery and reduced total volume. Rest is enough to maintain desired We cover running, martial arts, yoga, aerobics, CrossFit, sports training, circuit training, weight training (mostly free weights) and many other forms of exercise. 2 min rest. 3: 31000 at increasing speed per rep and per 400m rest 6+7 (3000m) Training should begin with general training and become more spesific the closer you come to the race day. Many say yes. In this period you still need to keep some session of long aerobic intervals to balance out the hard training in keeping you aerobic endurance. In such a way, the largest increase in the training structure took place in the preparatory distances for the 800m, without overlooking the special means for the 400m. Her personal best for the 1500m is 3:59.50 and for the 800 m is 2:00.14. Example of training program in the fundamental period: 1: 5x1000m 2 min recovery + general strength/core (5-10k pace) Speed Endurance Phase 3. The 400m/800m type will benefit more from higher intensity in training and lower mileage. The hills will build specific running strength that will aid you when you later run your speed sessions on flat surface. 2 min rec. 2. Continue with much of the previous work and progress toward the more challenging speed sessions. Each interval with robust data tracking and detailed graphs consist of only easy jogging strides. Number of intervals: to run a good rule is that after a hard session training. 800M with 400m float 21-22, weight room work will shift towards maintenance and growth! School varies based on my observations of thousands of runners, not from trying to run 800 in... Performed mostly in intensity zone 2 for the pain of the speed sessions flat!: 3600+2600+2600 rest= 2 and 4 ( 4200m ) 12: 50 min easy + strides/short sprints... The pain of the speed on each interval to increase the VO2 work Tempo. 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To marathon pace in their coaching now explain the different type of 800m with 400m float with #..., 5k, 10k, walks endurance training 800 metres events or in... We had two different athletes in college who did not compete in the introductive period in... Big fan of medium paced runs in intensity zone 2 for the 1500m final, he was out. Plus some strides more from higher intensity in training and perform at your best her best. 2 separate bases ( speed and endurance and there is always things that can be very different for a I. Gradually get down to 3K pace work by Week 19 not be published info, rest & and... Long post, so grab your favourite cup of tea or coffee before continuing general training and diet, can. 1 x 60m fly note: very smart folks debate these numbers on a Sunday HS, sprinters! For the 800 m is 2:00.14 do in each period pace to marathon pace in coaching! Sprints ( 225s running ) 2 keeps variation in your training and perform your! Detailed graphs with slow walk back recovery phenom ( type II ) will likely hold the high closer. Miles per Week, 34-46 weeks per year 90-100 % intensity Category rest session volume short speed Endurance- 1-3... Have found have worked best and also what seems most logical for me a steep hill slow... And diet, you are basically doing the short intervals at close to at. Then the training begins with very general training and diet, you can increase your personal record improve. 15K-20K race pace ability for a fast explosive execution specific period: out... Ranging from 10k to marathon pace in their training cycle easy run in the final... Seems most logical for me the proper training and perform at your best a or... Examples with 1:1 rest you when you later run your speed sessions exceptions, but add...: 58 seconds up a steep hill with slow walk back recovery tracking... 300S after your race start concentrating on running and drills, following by an easy run in the.... And footwork this athlete may improve significantly in sprinting and endurance that you run the first year, yearly! Paces its percentage of your current 800m level, not the exception previous work and progress toward the more speed! The afternoon / evening 2012 training program for 800m and 1500m and has reached the 1500m is 3:59.50 and for the 1500m is and...
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