And he stood looking at me stunned. Thats not what Branham is saying is it? Let me tell you a quick story. For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. Dear Sister Gloria. Even the Lord Jesus Himself was rejected by the religious establishment of the day. He distorted the Word of God. Spirit. The clear command of Jesus Gloria, are you sure of what you are saying. So then I believe when Br. Give me ONE written statement signed by somebody who can prove otherwise. Jesus is the name of the father Jesus is the name of the son and Jesus is the name of the holy spirit! Thank you dear Child of God Glria. Or becoz it does not raise faith in our heart? Sir I will nt be carefull to answer you that you have, not. Cult website. Bro. But it also shows us the pitfalls that can happen even in the most powerful ministry. He points people to Christ, he tells people to accept Christ. Nor was he Jesus Christ, or the Holy Spirit. Initiator of the post-war healing revival, Branham was born into poverty in a dirt-floor log cabin in the hills of Kentucky in 1909. gee Gloria I dunno. In another, Branham saw America could be drawn into a world war against Germany. For Jesus Christ deserves all glory and praise forever. Branham but I dont get what lies he preached and you do not tell us what lies are you refering to in his teachings. God revealed his word through William Branham (called Brother Branham), Brother Branham is the Voice of God to we who are living in the end-time. Id also like to add, that William Branham preached what is called the serpent seed.. A hard question to answer once again, but as in everything, we must pray to Christ so he can answer us. Thats exactly one best quote Ive ever heard listen, NO MAN IN HEAVEN OR EARTH WAS ABLE TO OPEN THE BOOK.However William Branham did just that what a revelation AMEN! Gloria, I hope you dont mind me asking, but does your pastor know that you have this website, and if so, does he support what youre doing here? 1. you sippin too much holy waterI Branham said, Show me one place where God ever had anybody baptized in the name of the Father, Son, Holy Ghost. It Simple and pure Blasphemy Dont ever compared Branhan with Jesus However, if they dont have a teaching gift that has been cultivated through proper training in the Scriptures, they are sure to teach unbalanced doctrine to their followers.. Your comment: No doubt youre convinced that by calling William Branham a false prophet youre doing God a great service, that The Holy Spirit has inspired you to tell people (via the Internet) that William Branham was wrong..? Christian leaders demand US betrayal ofIsrael, The jaws in St. Leonards Church might biteyou, God Aint Through Yet God Dont Like Ugly Book 5 | Book4Download.Com. Oh I am sooooo sorry He hadnt been mentioned before. Mark 7:6-9 And he said to them, Well did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men. You leave the commandment of God and hold to the tradition of men. And he said to them, You have a fine way of rejecting the commandment of God in order to establish your tradition! Back off a bit as all theyre gonna do is rant rant rant. However, others have speculated that it was intentionally destroyed because its contents did not support the claims that William Branham made. I know what Im talking about. Mark 7:6-9 And he said to them, Well did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men. You leave the commandment of God and hold to the tradition of men. And he said to them, You have a fine way of rejecting the commandment of God in order to establish your tradition! NB: Jesus is Coming! But, if that is A copy of the photograph is held in the Library of Congress photograph collection. Ill get back to you as soon as I can, gotta go to work. Ive give it to you. I am pentecostal christian, and I dont agree with any of Branhams teachings. My comment: And that is not the only thing I said. Jesus Christ Himself warned against them. $.post('', {action: 'wpt_view_count', id: '14291'}); Jim, Branham said and I QUOTE: He never called Himself the Son of God. That Jesus said: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit is infallible. And so he was that Word that was to come to the prophet. I eat asked him to stay on for a few Calvinism and Catholicism seems to be two of a kind. I would like to think that as I prayed to God, He would have shown me discernment. from the rock. So it has to be this fellow coming. Its an easy comparison when you compare Branhams words to the Word of God. Shalom You know as well as I do their souls are doomed, theres no biblical chance of redemption for them at all, as theyve blasphemed the Holy Ghost. I myself believe in the WORD of God and I praise God for what is doing for me , I am born again, saved by the BLOOD of the Lord Jesus Christ. there thats better. Malachi 4:5 behold, I send you Elijah the prophet before the great and terrible day of the Lord. and the moon to blood This verse is so true: Deut. them to be baptized in the Do you have the LIFE dwelling inside you? 15 It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Deutsch, For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, TRANSFORMING THEMSELVES INTO THE APOSTLES OF CHRIST. Branham whom you is a liarteaches that the only true baptism according to the Bible is in the Name of Jesus Christ? 12 Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, [which is] new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and [I will write upon him] my new name, I CORINTHIANS 13:10 If we are so blinded such that we cannot see the greatness of God expressed in a man must we ignore what God is doing for those who are humble enough to see God in a man? 7: 15). 75 Theres where so many people today, is going to be so terribly disappointed at the day of judgment: to know that theyve lived in church, to know that they have done good deeds, to know that they have treated their neighbor right, to know that they have been loyal to the people, loyal to the church, and in their mind have believed that Jesus Christ the Son of God and be condemned at the day of judgment. 3. Branham, as a miracle worker, had a real place. I was with Moses at the burning bush; I saw the Pillar of Fire; I saw His glory. To be close to Christ is the most important relationship, but to say you were there, and I believe that is what Branham was actually saying is WRONG. Just as it was in the bible. Please enlighten us. its becoz Father=Lord+Son= Jesus+Holy Ghost=Christ so Lord Jesus Christ is in The Father the Son and Holy Ghost, so Jesus told his disciples to baptise in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost bcoz He didnt want to reveal by then who He was that is why He charged them not to tell any one that He is Jesus Christ(Matthew16:20). your old men will dream dreams. of this in Acts 4:7-10 , To my understanding PREDICTION and PROPHECY are two different things. What made you think of doing such a thing? All Branham critics are not true in their comments. a sick man, as to how this If she wants to slam Gods prophet thats their fate. If so how does he do it. Give us a qoute and the reference if you can so that we can go and read to see if it is lie indeed. I think the man of God stated clearly that it is his prediction, he didnt say that the Lord Jesus Christ would come in 1977. A simple fact that you cannot see It, is exactly what Jennes and Jambros did, they wait first for Moses then they follow. the same experience they had. 16 For this is what you asked of the Lord your God at Horeb on the day of the assembly when you said, Let us not hear the voice of the Lord our God nor see this great fire anymore, or we will die., 17 The Lord said to me: What they say is good. PROVE IT!!!! Elijah was not God. Br. 55-0731 THE.UNCERTAIN.SOUND_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN V-26 N-19 SUNDAY_ Remember, John said here, And no m-a-n, not Angel, not Seraphim; they hadnt sinned, but they were in a different category. Does your church have a website as well? Here is the only way youll ever be redeemed, for here is the title deed to redemption of the whole heavens and earth. First, Id like to say thank you for apologizing. I want names, adresses, and phone numbers. My comment: Deuteronomy 18:20-22 But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in my name that I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that same prophet shall die. And if you say in your heart, How may we know the word that the Lord has not spoken? when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word that the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously. There stands the sages; there stands Oh, aint there nobody here?. What are you trying to say/indicate with this quote? 55 What was the test? You have not lied just to human beings but to God.. And oh, God, I hope Hes there tonight. When his wife and baby died in 1937, Branham attributed their death to his failure to heed the call to conduct campaigns in Oneness (Jesus Only) churches. I apologize. He then grabbed my hand (uninvited) and proceeded to tell me, your pregnant. To me, some of it was quite esoteric. First, Christ in Matthew says to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the son,and the Holy Spirit. It is wrong. and signs on the earth below, The couple each admitted their sin and Branham took some time to counsel them and when he was ready to move on everyone else had sat down! This is what you are saying? Not difficult to understand at all. I choose to follow my God; Jesus Christ! But dont forget verses 20-22 (read them). where people were baptized in Theres so much proof that Branham led people astray by his statements alone. Arent you glad Brother that one glorious day well stand upon the breath of the earth with Gods redeemd of all ages clothed in his glorious rightousness. I appreciate you. Spirit. WebWilliam Branham tells of a series of prophecies that were given to him in June 1933 by vision that would transpire before the coming of the Lord.[3]. This is what you are saying?. a true Christian., Excuse me the Lord your God shall raise up a prophet liken unto me Son of Man, Wow they said the same thing about Jesus in His day. You sound a bit condescending. Those who deny the Holy Ghost will not be found in heaven. brennan william justice court supreme born I do not follow Br. Do you agree? 2 Peter 2:1-3 But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. to be a real Christian. Thats exactly P.S. The man behind the woman suddenly said: Do you mind, sir! Thethethe rights of redemption, the rights ofof Eternal Life, athe Light, orall these rights had been forfeited, and there was nobody who could pay the price. You are stating many things of what William Branham supposedly said, like he claimed that he was Elijah. I assume youre a Christian whos born again, full of the Holy Ghost, and that youre expecting to go to Heaven some day. Lets see some comparisons to what he said and what Jesus tells us. For every sinner, the Lamb been slain. The photograph, the only one of its film roll that developed successfully, showed a light appearing above Branhams head. I CORINTHIANS 14:26 But I can assume we will be talking in circles, and you will disagree. They, every one, drank from the same spiritual Rock. It was not Jesus saying, I am the Son of God. But he made a defense. I did not see this until now, which is why I have not responded. Please read and read, just read it change your attitude then you can make conclusion. If it is, you are wrong, and Branham was and still is considered by some a false prophet. But in Branhams delusional sinning mind, I guess he found himself worthy? heard this, they were baptized I can. 6 Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you. person was ever baptized in the And there are so many other subjects that he spoke of, it would take many converstations with you to show you how wrong Branham was. For Christ is God, and Christ died for our sins, whereas William was a sinner that needed to repent against his lying ways. You said this NO WHERE in the Word of God does it say you have to identify with GodOh really?? 21 [a]You may say in your heart, How will we know the word which the Lord has not spoken? 22 When a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the thing does not come about or come true, that is the thing which the Lord has not spoken. I choose to believe in Christ and his Word. svenska, with the manna-eaters. 5 That prophet or dreamer must be put to death for inciting rebellion against the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt and redeemed you from the land of slavery. name this man stands here You can question my zeal for Christ if you like. Should the last one change? brennan justice But William deceived many by twisting Gods word to suit his own selfish purpose, and still does so. Keep his commands and obey him; serve him and hold fast to him. No man was worthy to look at it. Heh wait a minute, I know where he was born, I saw his cradle, I knew him as a boy growing up, I know his parents, I know where they lived, He said Take and eat; this is my body.drink this cup it is my blood. Were identified with him in Acts 2. He is my father, I am his daughter. But claimed healing can be the most deceptive message give to any human being. To even think that William could see the heart is absolutely ridiculous. Unveiling of God page 10, paragraph 61). But I also believe that are many out there, who will mimick and use the Word of God for their own lies, and selfish gain. There is only one question I would ask here: Thank you For that Sermon you have quoted it is very clear that Branham was a deceiver Liar and even twist the holy word Of God Im always cautious about people who claim to be Gods end time prophet or a super saint with special revelations and teachings. It is true that trinity is of the devil becoz its not found in the Bble its a Catholic doctrine. if u cant believe the most vindicated prophetic messenger of all time William Branham why would u believe me duh, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>. The Holy Word of God shreds any horrible lie Branham ever told. Dear Gloria. Never miss a big news story again. If you would like to contribute, you may comment. Very often, as people approached him in the healing line, Branham would describe their illness, other unknown information about them, and sometimes even call them by name. Because your a blind believer of Branham, of course you will think I have insulted him. But I do not care what man thinks of me. to open the book and loose the name of Jesus Christ. Gloria, i see that your zeal lacks adequate knowledge. And then he noticed He was wounded, and cut, and bruised, and bleeding: a bloody Lamb. of Israel, that by the name To me that is wrong. A mystic from his youth, Branham reported divine visitations at ages three and seven. If you wouldve taken the time and gone back and read the quote by Bro Branham in its full context you wouldve seen that he never said a thing about him opening the seals. Am I correct? Now you have access to the internet, therefore you have access to the messages of Bro Branham just as much as anyone else does so I want you to provide me the quotes to prove your point. Bro. So You called yourself Christ? I do not know Branhams heart, for only Christ does. So I think what youre saying is that because Jesus performed miracles that wouldve been a strong indicator to you that he was Messiah. I recommend that you put a more serious efford in studying his message before you comment.? When Animals Take the Night Shift Theyd rather eat in the dark than risk coming across one of us. Many claims of supernatural manifestations were associated with Branhams ministry. It boggles my mind Tiva. Moses said, The Lord your God shall raise up a prophet like unto me. So he had to come as a Prophet. Branham threw them a curve, because that book is THUS SAITH THE LORD.. 65-0424 ONE.IN.A.MILLION_ LOS.ANGELES.CA V-18 N-1 SATURDAY_ The God that was with Moses is the same God that was talking, walking with Abraham, the same God who was with Isaac, Jacob, the same God that you serve, the God who created Heaven and Earth, the God who saves therefore what is wrong if a person says he/she was with God before the creation of Heaven and Earth? No wonder God allowed his picture to be taken with him in Houston. oh my Lord. I appreciate your zeal for the Lord Jesus Christ. JESUS CHRIST IS THE ONLY ONE WORTHY TO OPEN THE BOOK. You also need to understand the roles of angels, particularly the Angel of the Covenant, which is Christ in angelic form. Father, Son and Holy Ghost is not a name but roles, What is the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost?. Branham. For no one could perform the miraculous signs you are doing if God were not with him., Acts 3:6 Then Peter said, Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you. If they couldnt find somebody that could meet that requirement, theyevery human being, the whole world and creation was gone. The prophet has spoken it presumptuously; you shall not be afraid of him. For now my precious daughter of God I sincerly apologise for anything that I wrote to you which offends you in anyway, I recognise you as a Child of God as I claim to be, from the bottom of my heart I ask forgiveness in this regard and I know what you can feel if someone does not agree with. So men of Satan can claim healing in the name of Jesus, and deceive the flock to accept heretic teachings and deceptive spirits. if u cant believe the most vindicated prophetic messenger of all time William Branham why would u believe me duh. But my doctrines seems to have been corrupted. Same thing by being a true Christian. Praise the Lord Im so happy to know Him Deuteronomy 32:39 William Branham deceived him self, and all who It wouldnt matter if Almighty God raised up Abraham and sent him to these people and told them that Bro Branham was his end-time prophet to the Gentiles, they STILL WOULDNT BELIEVE IT. And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed. You said Branham claims to have walked with Moses. Lets take a look why: 1. He is the very TREE of LIFE spoken of. Dont let your church or yourselve decieve you. And it isnt the first one meets; its the first one that comes together with the egg. FJN, what concerns me the most in your above statement is that the Christ who Branham is preaching isnt the same Christ I know who is revealed in scripture. WebWilliam Branham was an acclaimed Pentecostal healer and prophet who arose from the ranks during the same general period as such other well known Pentecostal $gures as THE WORD OF GOD SAYS: No man in heaven or earth was able to open the book except the lamb that was slain and redeemed us to God by his blood (Rev. What I know if a man denounces Christ then that person is not for Christ but this Br. If you eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, this is what will be important to you: Good deeds, works, going to the right building/denomination, listening to certain pastors, studying scriptures, praying, teaching, etc. I try and correct the errors that he has clearly preached. On November 27, 1965, Branham said that the Elijah prophet would be a revealer of the Word and itll be the revelation of God made known to us BY VINDICATION. portugus do Brasil, Acts 2:38 , And Peter said to name of THE FATHER, SON AND He lied about many things such as: Jesus did not say no man could know the year, month or week in which his coming would be completed. You will be spammed. As a matter of fact, in studying him I have not found one of his teachings to be exact as the Word of God. Let Him Oh, my, maybe Im just feeling this this a way. I have a lot to write but for now kindly, may the Love of God fill your heart. You have to be identified with it. Atheist Bill Nye: The Population Control Guy? Glory to God. Of course, John wept; everything was lost. They didnt believe the others and they wont believe this one either. (Revelation 13:11-14) Then I saw a second beast, coming out of the earth. Let God himself teach you. He would take the hand of the person in his. Read Catholic encyclopedia, Hastings etc, i will post the pages. brennan But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpents cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ. Branham, as a teacher, was outside of his calling. See reference to ambiguous prophecies above. And it was sealed with Seven Seals. If you would like to comment, do so. I seen what happened. You dont know, do you? I am glad though Peter saw the truth, and wrote about his experience. Sorry, I did not know about the rule. No doubt youre convinced that by calling William Branham a false prophet youre doing God a great service, that The Holy Spirit has inspired you to tell people (via the Internet) that William Branham was wrong..? beloved Son in Whom Im pleased Denzel Washington Shares Stunning Prophetic Word. Nowhere had it been mentioned. In contrast to the caricature of an image-minded evangelist, Branham lived and dressed modestly and even boasted of his youthful poverty. people of the oncoming judgment, We just need to be doing it in the Spirit, showing mercy and praying. Branham said: We find out that during that time I saw seven Angels in a form of a pyramid that swept down and picked me up. Whoever this Brad guy is, he just demolished them on the identification aspect, had everyone of us laughing at the stupidity of this website. Because were in Christ Jesus thats why! How much clearer can God be in Scripture to warn us of the above? Why would you find it highly unusal? That is strange to me that you think this way. He disgustingly claims that Eve had relations with the serpent (satan) and bore Cain. Bro. Keep his commands and obey him; serve him and hold fast to him. 20 But a prophet who presumes to speak in my name anything I have not commanded, or a prophet who speaks in the name of other gods, is to be put to death., 21 You may say to yourselves, How can we know when a message has not been spoken by the Lord? 22 If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the Lord does not take place or come true, that is a message the Lord has not spoken. After his death it was reported that Branhams followers expected him to be resurrected, some believing him to be God, others claiming him to be virgin-born. Ive never heard of this Brother Branham before, but just a quick Google search to browse through one of his sermons so many red flags. But let me summarize it for you. He healed many and brought many more to the word so i dont really understand your reasoning behind besmirch his name. Every one of them heard the message of a prophet. whats so crazy about having the spirit of Elijah?.. What Branham should have said was Jesus Christ is the only one found worthy of opening the Book. ), under the inspiration of God would know different from that. Im well aware of it, and well get to it later. Your comment: Now of course I could take a lot of time and methodically go thru each and every one of your quotes to try and show you that William Branham was not wrong at all. Whos worthy to do it? And John said there was no man in heaven found worthy; no man on earth found worthy; no man beneath the earth that ever lived and died was found worthy; no man was found worthy. Because evidently they are not from the Word of God! the Pillar of Fire; I saw His glory. When did William Brennan retire? So I repeat, I sincerely believe and maintain as a private student of the Word, along with divine inspiration that 1977 ought to terminate the-World systems and usher in the millenium.. Everyone was standing there, and nobody was worthy even to look at the Book, let alone take It and break the Seals. MATTHEW 7:6 Now, for about five minutes I want to call your attention to something. Branham claimed the Lord would come in 1977. Webmike weir released from tour. shall there be evil in a city, and the LORD hath not done [it]? He claimed to be a minister from God, a prophet even. His father was a logger and an alcoholic, and William Branham often talked about how his upbringing was difficult and impoverished. Afrikaans, If you went back to read the quote in its entirety youd see he explained it perfectly in that each and everyone of us are IDENTIFIED with all the great men and moments of the Bible. Dear Br. If you click on the individual prophecies below, they will take you to a detailed explanation of each issue. One of the other goals on this website has been exposing fake and falsehood like: catholics, muslims, and so forth. Therefore if the Spirit man(you/me before we were born) in the Thought of God who was with Moses then I can agree that when Moses was crossing the sea with God I also was there crossing the very same sea in God as the thought by then. so, then why do we see so many 2. Later he was ordained as an assistant pastor at a Missionary Baptist Church in Jeffersonville. In 1977 they thought sure that was it. $.post('', {action: 'wpt_view_count', id: '14291'}); And the defense was: (36) Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God? Oh, no, my, my. Because he never gave Glory to Jesus. When It was in Jesus, It was God in flesh. Search the Scriptures deligently see God in them do not be blinded by the fact that you do not agree with br. This conversation will go on for years, but those that will believe the bible will believe it by revelation and those that will not see it CAN NEVER SEE IT. Then Peter, filled with the He changed from Noah to Moses; He changed from Moses to David; from David, Joseph; on down till He come into the Fullness of the Godhead bodily. And in one place he said, Hey, I said, 1977, then I sure got a lot of things got to come to pass in a hurry, because he said, it looks like it wont make it then. And under the Seven Seals he said, It could be one: twenty-five years, fifty years, a hundred, maybe yet tomorrow. But nobody wants to take what he really said. 1) The Bible says that in the last days, there will be many false prophets. (Psalm 90). So what your saying is that you believe in the serpent seed doctrine, which is a complete lie. Hi Gloria Do you want to tell me that you still do not understand that the Word of God does not contradict itself. Behind the woman suddenly said: do you mind, I will nt be carefull answer. Comes together with the egg get what lies he preached and you will disagree Washington... 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Workers, TRANSFORMING themselves into the apostles of Christ light appearing above head... Sooooo sorry he hadnt been mentioned before rather eat in the most vindicated prophetic of. One worthy to open the book it does not contradict itself of Congress photograph collection many and brought many to! This in Acts 4:7-10, to my understanding PREDICTION and PROPHECY are two different things Scriptures deligently God... If a man denounces Christ then that person is not surprising, then, if his also. He healed many and brought many more to the Word so I really... The clear command of Jesus Gloria, are you sure of what William Branham said!, you have a fine way of truth will be many false prophets how his upbringing was difficult and.! The Covenant, which is a complete lie am his daughter that Eve relations. Whom Im pleased Denzel Washington Shares Stunning prophetic Word to warn us of the Lord Jesus Christ does it you. 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