A Mountain Tajik from the Pamirs. Fig. FIG. They are, however, on the whole taller, darker-skinned, longer-faced, and straighter-haired than the Arabs. Although the presence of these nuclei cannot now be fully explained, it seems probable that they represent local survivals and reemergences of relatively unreduced Upper Palaeolithic populations. A review . 3 (3 views). 2 (2 views). It is a characteristic of the Mediterranean race, as of this individual, that the upper face height and nose height are great, no mat- ter how small the other dimensions. 1946. An equally standardized Mediterranean from the Riffian coastal tribe of Beni Itteft, northern Morocco. Non-European Races, Sub-Races or Ethnicities of Latin America, This is a work in progress. The Blue Devils success on the Nordic side carried over to alpine. A Moldavian farmer This Mediterranean type is common in Rumania on the plains of Moldavia and Wal- lachia, as well as in Bulgaria, but is largely replaced by brachycephalic forms in the Carpathians. His skin is a sallow yellowish, of a hue often seen among attenuated negro- white hybrids in America. The influence of Brigham's work is illustrated by a headline announcing the new law in the Los Angeles Times (13 April 1924): "Nordic Victory is seen in Journey above the Arctic Circle to the wilderness of Inari, a lesser-traveled region of Lapland, where you'll enjoy personal, intimate connections with the Sami peopleone of Europe's last remaining indigenous cultures. Here only the Riffian group will be depicted. FIG. FIG. Enough remain, Modern genetics suggests that Indians are an admixture of Australoid, Austro-Asiatic, Mongoloid, Negrito, Dravidian, Ancestral North Indian (ANI), Caucasoid, etc. . Depiction of three races of Europe, Nordic, Alpine and Mediterranean. The remnants of the Arab invasions of the Middle Ages have been mostly absorbed by the Uzbegs, and those who retain their Semitic idiom have been in most cases racially altered. ALPINES FROM CENTRAL, EASTERN, AND SOUTHEASTERN EUROPE. Publication: Hooton, E.A. FIG.7 (1 view). New For 2023 Post-trip: Lapland, Finland. the same old story of mutual butchery and mutual destruction between Nordics, 6 (1 view). 2 (3 views). The Negritos, Western Brachycephals, Proto-Australoids, Mongoloids, and Mediterraneans are the five racial groupings that currently inhabit the Indian subcontinent. FIG. From Field, Henry, Arabs of Central Iraq, Anth. frequently rufous. His golden hair is curly; curly hair is a local specialty of the Irish Upper Palaeolithic group. Rev. 4 is an extreme example of this Veddoid pro- totype. These races vary intellectually and morally just as they do physically. Moral, intellectual, and spiritual attributes are tall, blond, honest, and somewhat stupid youth, or his villain a small, dark, To this typology of Nordic-Alpine-Mediterranean branches of the greater white race, very familiar to most readers worldwide by the early 20th century, Grant occasionally added the "Dinaric" (used by William Z. Ripley) a tall, round skulled racial type, but long-faced, and admitted that this type could be seen in England. 4 (2 views, photo C. W. Dupertuis). A Lancastrian from Blackburn, a slender, delicaltely built Mediterranean with an extremely narrow nose and mandible. The Alpine race is a historical race concept defined by some late 19th-century and early 20th-century anthropologists as one of the sub-races of the Caucasian race. 5 (1 view, Karakashian Bros. During the Late Pleistocene North Africa was inhabited by the Afalou men, a race of tall, large-headed, heavy-boned, people with exaggeratedly rugged cranial and facial features comparable to those of the Cro-Magnon-Briinn group in Europe. In Russian Turkestan erstwhile white populations became Mongolized in varying degrees. This is an un- common type for a Basque, since most of them are Atlanto-Mediterraneans and Dinarics. In his 1916 book, The Passing of the Great Race; or, The Racial Basis of European History, Grant argued that what he called the Nordic race, which originated from northwest Europe, was biologically and culturally superior to all other . FIG. This blond Basque was rufous and freckled in childhood; his curly hair and facial features give him an Irish appearance. Its purest present-day racial nucleus is without doubt Arabia. 3. It is hard to Relatively old, present in early Natufians and European as well as North African megalith builders. THE FIVE RACES OF EUROPE GEORGE PILE NORDIC, ALPINE, MEDITERRANEAN, EAST BALTIC, DINARIC, A EUGENICS STUDY. Today it is probably the one most important racial element in much of northern and central Ger- many, with wide ramifications elsewhere. Another Yemeni highlander, in this case from the escarpment tribe of Beni Madhar .This man is shorter in stature, and much longer-headed. The low brachycephalic index, and the relative fineness of the facial features indicate a tendency in a Nordic direction. FIG. In Arabia the two are not clearly differentiated. Reduction of these overgrown races produces a result which is quite un-Nordic morphologically as well as in constitutional type. the head are not closely related to brain power. The Alpine territorial distribu- tion is not the result of an invasion or expansion, but of a parallel set of emergences. 4, 1935, Plate LXXX). Rust/Coyuchi Cotton. The earliest Neolithic invaders of the southern fringe of Europe were brunet Mediterraneans of small to moderate stature and moderate head size. 2020 2021 5k races held in europe the calendar regroups all kinds of activities running walking nordic walking vertical races obstacle un-Jewish. Negroes with small amounts of Mediterranean blood. A larger-headed, mesocephalic example of the same type, compa- rable in features to Northwest Europeans with Borreby blood; like the first example and wholly unlike the Nordic and Mediterranean strains in the Rif, this individual is lateral in constitutional type; heavy boned, and heavily muscled. FIG. Nordic, Alpine, Mediterranean and Dinaric subraces are the most widely spread among the white race. The theory of Nordic superiority, on which the present immigration laws are based, was exploded in a scientific test conducted by Dr. Nathaniel M. Hirsch, formerly a fellow of the National . Plate 27. 10. Rufous and exaggeratedly "Irish" in facial features. A Frenchman from the Limousin region; father from the Dordogne, mother from Limoges. Join Date: Feb 2013 . European conflict is essentially a civil war, and nearly all the officers and 4 (3 views). Section V's Pittsford took the crown. By migrating into Central Europe, they had separated the northern and southern branches of the earlier European stock, creating the conditions for the separate evolution of Nordics and Mediterraneans. 20147. . List the mountain ranges in Europe. Illustration from The Modern Pictorial World Atlas (The Sun News-Pictorial, Melbourne, 1939). The southwest-German Borreby nucleus has mixed with all invaders from the initial Neolithic onwards. A Sicilian from Messina. Ripley argued that it migrated from Central Asia during the Neolithic revolution, splitting the Nordic and Mediterranean populations. FIG.1 (3 views). organizers, and aristocrats in sharp contrast to the essentially peasant In the early 20th century, the Alpine physical type was popularised by numerous anthropologists, such as Thomas Griffith Taylor and Madison Grant, as well as in Soviet era anthropology. It is a specialized, locally differentiated Mediterranean racial form. 1 (3 views). FIG. Evidence of the survival of an extremely tall, brachycephalized, Upper Palaeolithic stock is found to a lesser extent in the Carpathians; and to a greater, in the nucleus of the Dinaric Alpine region, from Bosnia to northem Albania, and centered in Montene- gro. The Nordic Race: Examples of Corded Predominance. His tall stature, heavy bony structure, large face, etc., point to a basic relationship with the unreduced Upper Palaeolithic survivors of the northwest. Madison Grant insisted on their "essentially peasant character". Although one cannot be sure of the head form of this venerable Persian official from Teheran, his facial features are charac- teristically Irano-Afghan. these survivors are often blond; as in Ireland. In modern races it sometimes appears in a relatively pure form, sometimes as an element in mixed brachycephalic populations of multiple origin. stamina to both the Nordic and the Alpine, is probably the superior of both, 6 (Dec., 1906), pp. Although his skin is dark, his hair is nearly straight, and his measurements as well as his cranial and facial fea- tures are purely or almost purely Mediterranean. FIG. 3 (3 views). Only through the agency of such segregation is it possible to present this collection of basic European racial photographs. Mediterranean and had a small, long skull, while Humboldt had a large and It is equivalent to Joseph Deniker's "Occidental" or "Cevenole" race,[6][7] while Jan Czekanowski regarded it as a subrace consisting of a mixture of Nordic and Armenoid. There is a non-negroid brachycephalic strain in Ethiopia, with heavy browridges and a strong facial bony structure. Mem. M. Shanklin). 3 (3 views). Alpine Skiing. Its presence in New England in 1938 can only be regarded as a complete remergence. Nordic Style. 4 (3.views). The Utes, winners of 14 NCAA team championships all-time and 15 overall national crowns, are looking for their third straight victory at a completed NCAA Championship (2019, '21, '22). for the most part to the north. Both of these individuals, as well as Fig. This individual is as exaggerated an ex- ample of the Borreby race as is #1 of the preceding plate of the Brunn race. This Norwegian from the isolated mountain settlement of Valle in southwestern Norway represents the same basic type as the two men above; his face and mandible, however; are narrower; and his hair ash blond; admixture with Nordics is indicated. A second reason the term has had staying power is that, as new immigrants began to stream into the country in the 20th century, political leaders and scientists supported a new racial science called eugenics that built on 19th-century notions of race. A Montenegrin of aristocratic lineage; in the main an oversized, Upper Palaeolithic survivor, but brunet in pigmentation, like many of the Serbs to whom the Montenegrins are closely related, and who do not, as a rule, possess the over- sized characters of their mountain kinsmen. Photo F. L Rainer, from Rainer, F; I. Rlcherches Anthropologiques dans Trois Villages Carpathiennes, Bucharest, 1937, Plate II, #3.) You're a French citizen or you're not period. FIG. remember that, while indicative of independent descent, the size and shape of FIG. northern France are more Teutonic than south Germany, and the backbone of the Which of the following immigrant groups were targeted in the 19th and early 20th century as inferior to "whites" (the US's mainstream Anglo Protestant society)? FIG. of North Asians) to: hbdbibliography AT gmail.com, On racial homogeneity of the British Isles. The median eyefold and snubbed nasal tip, with laterally oriented nostril axes, are Ladogan rather than mongoloid. Shipping. The same conclusion is suggested in reference to this extremely long- faced and golden-haired Swede from Helsingborg. The Caucasic peoples include in their racial repertoire a strong bru- net Mediterranean element of the type shown above; this is especially prevalent among the Cherkesses, of whom this individual apparently forms a good example. He is a brunet-white in unexposed skin color, brunet in hair and eye color; narrower-faced than any of the Upper Palaeolithic sur- vivors, reduced or unreduced, whom we have seen in the preceding plates. The great length of his nose is an attribute of senility as well as a racial character. A Lithuanian, who although brachycephalic, belongs essentially to the same Danubian type. 6 (1 view, from a tempera painting by the artist Iacovleff, from his album Pein- tures d' Asie, Paris, 1935, permission Mme. Plate 17. Which mountain ranges divide Europe's southern alpine region from the hilly, central uplands? Plate 12. A concentration of a specialized and exaggerated Borreby type or types is found on the island of Fehmaran, between the Danish Archipelago and Germany. FIG. FIG. lithograph. A Yemeni soldier from the tribe of Khaulan, which goes back his- torically to Sabaean times. In the Alpine race the length of the head is only a little or barely greater than the breadth, owing to the relatively considerable measurement of this latter. By Madison Grant. This article is about the ethnicity concept. For some unknown reason Riffians who hold public office usually belong to this physical type. A tall, curly-haired, and portly Alpine from the Hirschenberg, near Miesbach, Upper Bavaria; this individual might be considered the quintessence of a Bavarian. It juts out only slightly over the nape, and this back part is fairly roomy, so that in the Alpine man only a little of the neck is to be seen above the coat-collar. The Nordic Race: Examples of Danubian Predominance. The wars of the last two thousand years in An Afghan, the "son of a nomadic chief." Race is real, it is biological in nature, and it is shaped and determined by genetics alone. The individual shown in. His fore- head and jaw are both consistently narrow. FIG.. 1 (2 views, photo V.. Lebzelter, from "Anthropologische Untersuchungen an serbischen Ziguenern," MAGW, vol. In skiing terms the difference between nordic and alpine is that nordic is of or relating to cross-country skiing or ski jumping. 7, (2 views, photo Gordon T. Bowles) Closely similar to the Syrian desert border tribesman is this Afridi from eastern Afghanistan. Test, ODI and Twenty20 Championships. The Mesolithic cultural period was long and full in Ireland, and the subsequent invaders of this westernmost fringe of Europe have been unable to effect a genetic displacement of the strain introduced by the earliest human occupants. 1 (3 views). For a more detailed outline of the Mediterranean, Alpine and other racial groups see The Races of Humanity. inhabitants of the central empires. The Scandinavian Mountains of Norway and Sweden. Adolf Hitler utilized the term Alpine to refer to a type of the Aryan race, and in an interview spoke admiringly about his idol Italian Fascist leader Benito Mussolini, commending Mussolini's Alpine racial heritage saying: They know that Benito Mussolini is constructing a colossal empire which will put the Roman Empire in the shade. The Borreby race was a relatively late Mesolithic arrival in Scadinavia; its earlier seat was central Germany, with ramifications both to the east and the west. An absolutely great head length, a heavier facial structure, and a less leptorrhine nose form indicate a different Mediterranean sub-type from the two above. 5 (3 views). Still later its final expansion was the means through which the knowledge of metals reached the Mediterranean and Nordic populations of the west and north. The Ural Mountains. A coarse, dark-skinned type of Ruwalla Bedawi. [1] Hitler was so impressed by this work by Gnther, that he made it the basis of his eugenics policy.[1]. north Europe are everywhere Nordic as far as the coast of Spain, and among [8][9], The German Nazi Party under the influence direction of Hans F. K. Gnther, recognized the Germans as including five racial subtypes, described by Gnther in his work Kleine Rassenkunde des deutschen Volkes (1929): Nordic, Alpine, Mediterranean, East Baltic, and Dinaric, viewing Nordics as being at the top of the racial hierarchy. This is typical of the Irish Palaeolithic group, which is characteristically mesocephalic. True. It was considered a race or one of the putative sub-races into which some late-19th to mid-20th century anthropologists divided the Caucasian race, claiming that its ancestral homelands were Northwestern and Northern Europe, particularly to populations such as Anglo-Saxons, Germanic peoples, Balts, Baltic Finns . Not only is the nose convex and salient, but also the forehead is sloping, and the chin receding, although the mandible is deep. The Scottish Highlands. 10% savings are calculated after Frequent Traveler Credits, Vacation Ambassador rewards, Multiple Trips Benefits, Goodwill Certificates, Travel Protection, Vouchers, and credit card payments are deducted from your initial tour price. 5 (1 view, tempera painting by Iacovleff). Nordid-Alpines in Western Europe, Norid-Alpines in Central Europe, Dinaro-Alpines (Carpathids . The Montenegrins are the tallest people in Europe; their tallness does not, however, imply a thin or linear build; their bodies are frequently thick-set, lateral in constitutional type. An excellent example of the Pontic Mediterranean type, except for an unusually small cranial vault. Chivalry and knighthood, and their still surviving A characteristic West-German Borreby type, from Stuttgart. In 1958, with the jet engine just beginning to revolutionize commercial travel, Americans were dreaming bigand as a nation of travelers, we never looked back. CARPATHIAN AND BALKAN BORREBY-LIKE TYPES. Reviews (0) Alpine Meadow is a beautiful aroma of cedarwood, fragrant wild patchouli with hints of white musk. In any case the facial features are of pure Upper Palaeolithic inspiration. 03-07-2013, 05:54 AM #2: Geordie SS. between rulers of Nordic blood. FIG. A sheikh of Targuist. The coastal and seafaring populations of A Mohmand tribesman from eastern Afhanistan. 2 (3 views). its superiority to both the other European races is unquestioned. FIG. 1) from the opposite end of the Irano-Afghan plateau. It is the modern edition of the old certainly of the Alpines, in intellectual attainments. For the sport competitions, see. The Uzbegs are Turkish-speaking inhabitants of the central Asiatic khanates, of mixed origin. FIG. Both this man and #1 are golden blond in hair color; the Borreby group seems to run lighter-haired than the Brunn. FIG. Camden, led by Josh Plumley, earned a fifth-place team finish out of eight schools. FIG. In Europe, southern Germany is the seat of one of the greatest Alpine concentrations in the continent. 1 (3 views). FIG. Splitters. The presence of this type to the southeast of the Baltic establishes its continuity between Germany and Finland. At the present time both Corded and Danubian elements may be isolated, while other Nordics preserve the blended form. FIG.4 (1 view). Nordics in eastern Europe, Asia, and North Africa may have been formed by separate recombinations or simple depigmentations of comparable Mediterranean strains, or by invasions of these regions from an European or West Asiatic depigmentation center. They form the last major outpost of the Alpine race to the East, as far as we know at present. Login for wholesale pricing. XVI, #277). 4 (2 views, photo H. H. Kidder). Coyuchi. FIG.2 (2 views). The Mediterranean quality found among the partly negroid Beja and Bisharin is most evi- dent in the female sex. The mental characteristics of the FIG. FIG.3 (2 views, Bryn and Schreiner; Die Somtitologie der Norweger, Table 44, Fig. FIG. These two individuals may be considered repre- sentatives of the Mediterranean invaders who entered western Europe over Gibraltar in the Neolithic. Field Marshal Werner von Blomberg, a suc- of von Hindenburg, derived from the same ethnic source and a member of the same racial category. Plate 19. 1 (3 views). The individuals shown in the preceding plate might be generally classified within the Irano-Afghan branch of the Mediterranean race, the main diagnostic features of which are an extreme vault length, face height, and nose height. FIG. As has been demonstrated on plates 9 and 10, it is impossible, as some European anthropologists believe, to derive a Nordic directly from a dolichocephalic Upper Palaeolithic ancestor of Brnn or Cr-Magnon type. This man is both tall and heavy; of lateral bodily build. FIG. Note the great prognathism, the ringlet hair form, the extreme nasion depres- sion, and the general form of the nose and lips. Southern Albania forms an Al- pine nucleus comparable to that in south central France or Bavaria. This man is in all respects an excellent Alpine. A metrically and morphologically perfect Alpine, from Branden- burg. You can be of French ascent, come from former colonies or become "franais par le sang vers" by joining the foreign legion Being French only mean to abide to our "contrat social" and our . This latter is something more than a convention, as such quasi-authentic imagine a Greek artist painting a brunette Venus. This Baggara woman from the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan is less negroid than the majority. The same racial characters, typical among Kurds, appear in this Baghdadi Kurd in less exaggerated form. This brachycephalic Aberdonian is Alpine in head form and in most facial features; the length of the face and of the nose, however, are aberrant and point to non-Alpine in- fluences. THE ALPINE RACE. With the rise of the industrial revolution, the population increased greatly in these two last named regions, which became the most heavily industrialized areas in Britain; hence the Mediterranean increment in the British population has risen during the last century and a half. 4 (3 views). This type is recognized by Polish anthropo!ogists as an element in the population of their country, and is designated by them as Mediter- ranean. Dr. Byron has found out the Alpine, Classical Mediterranean and minor amount of Nordic element in the formation . 2 (3 views). During the 1920s and 1930s, some scholars asserted that Europeans were comprised of more than one "white" or "Caucasian" race: Nordic, Alpine, and Mediterranean (named for the geographic regions of Europe from which they descended). FIG. Account Inactive . 2 (3 views). M. Shanklin). A Bashkir member of another tribe of Turkicized Finns living in the Kazan district and the southern Urals. Mediterranean, and Nordic, which enter into the composition of European Closer to the standard Mediterranean type of Arabia and North Africa is this senile Agau, a member of a fast diminishing group of Hamitic-speaking aborigines in the kingdom of Gojjam in northern Ethiopia. He comes from typically Alpine and Dinaric territory. FIG. A Swede from Sonderhamn who represents the same type, and who is very similar in most dimensions. Socrates and The Nordic race was one of the putative sub-races into which some late 19th to mid 20th century anthropologists divided the Caucasian race.People of the Nordic type were to be mostly found in the Nordic countries.The psychological traits of Nordics were described as truthful, equitable, competitive, nave, reserved, and individualistic. 1 (2 views). The Alpine Races in Europe, John L. Myres, The Geographical Journal, Vol. The Alpine race is as important in the mountain zone from Syria to the Pamirs as it is in the corresponding portion of Europe. armies that England has put in the field, together with those of her The Volhyn constitutes in part an Alpine sub-nucleus to the northeast of the Carpathians. water at the head of the Adriatic. [11] In more recent sources, a small array of anthropologists accustomed with such usage, still use the term.[12][13]. Facially he resembles a southern Swede; closely similar individuals have been observed in the Canary Islands. just as the Nordic nobility of Renaissance Italy seem to have been possessed There is a slight mixture of Nordic blood, mainly in the coast towns. A Welshman from the neighborhood of Cardiff. They do not, however, conform closely to the physical type of the early Danu- bians as known to us by a small series of skeletal remains. Cork, Kerry, and Clare are the three Irish counties in which unreduced Palaeolithic survivors form the major ele- ment in the population. The Gypsies, who are believed to have left their home in the lower Indus Valley about the turn of the present millennium, and who arrived in Europe some four centuries later, belong, when comparatively unmixed, to a dark-skinned, small-bodied racial type of general Mediterranean appearance which is common in India. In Syria and Anatolia, as in Armenia and the Caucasus, this type occurs sporadically in the midst of Alpines and, more commonly, of Alpine-Mediterranean hybrids; in Iran' and Afghanistan the dolichocephalic strain or strains are numerically predominant. The Nordic and Alpine Races and Their Kin: A Study of Ethnological Trends Created Date: 20160809182555Z . The Alps Mountains. The gods 4 (3 views). Ireland was first settled in the post-glacial Mesolithic by people of Upper Palaeolithic type coming overland from Scotland. berserker blood rage, and is class suicide on a gigantic scale. This individual is a close Irish approximation to the Brunn race of Scandinavia. colonies, are almost purely Nordic, while a large portion of the Russian During the early Christian era, Nordics were associated with Northern Europe, Alpine with Central Europe and Mediterranean with Southern Europe. The Alpine race was usually regarded as inferior to both the Nordic and Mediterranean races, making up the traditional peasant class of Europe while Nordics occupied the aristocracy and led the world in technology, and Mediterraneans were regarded as more imaginative. a large proportion of the men on both sides are members of this race. FIG. hesitates to make the two thieves brunet in contrast to the blond Saviour. FIG. The Pyrenees Mountains. Sign into My Planner to prepare for your trip. Plate 16. (Compare alpine. The Alpine race is always and everywhere a race of peasants, an A distribution may perhaps be made as follows: the mountainous west of Scotland shows a Mediterranean-Alpine-Nordic mixture, the Nordic race being, it would seem, almost wholly confined to the upper classes; Wales, Dorset, Devon, and west Somerset, and north-west Ireland show an Alpine-Nordic-Mediterranean mixture; in Wales only the old land . In contrast to the last plate, the present one shows a series of Nordics in whom the Corded element is notably weak or absent, so that an approximation to the earlier, smaller-headed, mesocephalic Danubian strain is perhaps attained. however, to show that certain races have special aptitudes for certain This and other evidence indicate that features which in Finns are often popularly supposed to be mongoloid are actually of European Upper Palaeolithic inspiration. Nordics Altered by Mixture with South-Western Borrby and Alpine Elements, Swedish Nordic Types (From The Swedish Nation and Racial Types by Herman Lundborg), Plate 35. The sloping forehead and prominent nasal profile of this indi- vidual, as well as his long face and wide jaw, indicate non-Alpine influences; he pre- sumably carries a strain of the large-headed early Mediterranean or Upper Palaeolithic element prevalent in this part of France and first noticed by Ripley. Oslo, 1930. A Solubbi; member of a small group of desert wanderers and outcasts who inhabit the North Arabian desert, travelling in small family groups and serving as hunters and tinkers for the Bedawin. are outside of the political borders of Austro-Germany. 3 (2 views). FIG. or sub-brachycephalic and forms a single unit in this respect. East of Bavaria, Bohemia, and Switzerland, typical Alpines are relatively rare until. THE MEDITERRANEAN REEMERGENCE IN GREAT BRITAIN (Read: On racial homogeneity of the British Isles.). 2 (1 view, photo B.. N. Vishnevsky). These races vary intellectually and morally An oasis dweller from Kharga. 3 (3 views). FIG. are currently used in a national and not in a racial sense, to denote the Note the long, straight, coarse beard, a common feature among individuals of this type, which von Eickstedt calls Turanid. The Neolithic invaders of Ireland were apparently all or nearly all of this tall, sea-borne Mediterranean variety. Alfed A. Knopf, 1962. [citation needed], In Carleton Coon's rewrite of Ripley's The Races of Europe, he developed a different argument that they reduced the Upper Paleolithic survivors indigenous to Europe:[18]. FIG. Like many Volhynians, this individual is predominantly Alpine, although he shows evidence of Atlanto-Mediterranean or Nordic admixture, or both. as persistent as physical characters, and are transmitted unchanged from This individual is a Parisian, but his mother came from the Pyrenees. This deeply brunet Chuvash, a member of a tribe of Turkicized Finns in what is now the Chuvash Republic of eastern Russia, rep- resents, in his facial features, either a pronounced early Ladogan prototype, or Mongol admixture, or both. The Mediterranean race, in the widest sense, is one of the two basic divisions of the wbite stock. FIG. By Arthur Kemp B.A. An Iranian speaker from Russian Turke- stan; a good example of a central Asiatic Alpine. 6 (3 views, photo B. N. Vishnevsky). 5 (3 views). SMALL MEDITERRANEANS OF SOUTHERN EUROPE. 2 (3 views). The Nordic race was one of the putative sub-races into which some late-19th to mid-20th-century anthropologists divided the Caucasian race.People of the Nordic type were to be mostly found in Scandinavia, Northwestern Europe, and countries surrounding the Baltic Sea, such as Germans and Finnic peoples. 2 (3 views). Their pigmentation ranges from blond to brunet, but is usually intermediate. 2 (3 views). FIG.2 (2 views, photo C. W. Dupertuis). just as the Jews apparently regarded Christ, as, in some indefinite way, FIG. 5 (2 views). but greatly impaired counterparts, are peculiarly Nordic traits, and
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