Fourteen. Ephesians is the fifth ofPauls letters. Entered into a marriage covenant with God. What mystery? And so, he states a double authority, the fullness of his authority from God and Christ. The New Testament wasnt written yet. The Cayster River contained a lot of silt, which continually had to be removed to keep the harbor open. ephesians bible forgiveness kjv sermon verses niv riches accordance christ We possess what He possesses; all His riches are at our disposal. That temple was burned to the ground in 252 A.D. and never rebuilt. With my hands, what do you think? We have all these little things. So the woman went her way, and did eat, and her countenance was no more sad. But in Ephesians 3, Paul is talking about himself as an apostle, as one who speaks the message of Christ and so forth. The church in Ephesus was made up of ordinary people like you and me. He was a King with a kingdom. Both refer to God freely extending Himself ( His favor, grace), The phrase Son of God is mentioned in 47 verses in the KJV Bible. That is something the Old Testament saints never saw. Right? These are the mustrion, the Greek word. There is no mention of any city in this letter. Rome (while in prison [Eph 3:1][Eph 4:1][Eph 6:20]). Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, to the saints who are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in Christ Jesus: grace to you, and peace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. And thus does Paul, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, introduce to us this marvelous book. And would not do them, and gave no thought to the wonders you had done among them; but made their necks stiff, and turning away from you, made a captain over themselves to take them back to their prison in Egypt: but you are a God of forgiveness, full of grace and pity, slow to wrath and great in mercy, and you did not give them up. Lord God, You are God; Your words are true, and You have promised this grace to Your servant. But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD. Paul had to leave his friends and his role in their everyday story behind. You see? WebSt. Of the 27 New Testament books, Paul wrote 13. For the upright there is a light shining in the dark; he is full of grace and pity. WebFinding Grace In Ephesians: A 6-Day Bible Study. If you get a handle on the book of Ephesians, you some people have called it the bank of the believer. + John 1:14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.We Gentile conversion occurred in the Old Testament, but never a time when God called the Gentiles to be His people in the way in which we see it in the Church Age, united with Israel in one body in Christ. And they have parallels in the Old Testament, but body isnt one of them. He will rule as King; He will reign as King; He will be crowned as King, and that will be the fulfillment of His king as right to rule of kingliness, His right to rule. Web(Ephesians 3:1-6 RSV) There, in very brief form, is his statement of the mystery which lies at the heart of all life. We have spiritual truth, spiritual resource that they never had. Thats Ephesians. Lets go back, as we close, to look at the introduction, the first two verses. It comes from God the Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace to you and peace. Theres the double blessing. In the Old Testament, God saw Israel as a family, and they were to call Him Father. Its all ours because were in the Church. And God said, This is whats happened to Me. Thats the key. Hosea took a bride. You see all this fullness, double stuff in the first two verses, and you get the idea that youre going to get some tremendous riches coming your way out of Ephesians. Do you see? Apostolos means a sent one to carry the Gospel. Isaiah 40, He lifted them up and carried them. We are in Christ. Satan rules the world. This is where you check out your resources. Listen, the mystery is not that the King would come and bring a kingdom, the mystery is what happened when they rejected the King. He had a unique relation to Christ. He had left Ephesus for Macedonia and on his way to Jerusalem by way of Miletus, he sent for the elders of the church from Ephesus to join him. So, when you see the word mystery in chapter 3, verse 3, it simply means a spiritual truth never before revealed but now revealed in the New Testament. It came from Jesus Christ and the will of God. He hated Christians, and he went after them tooth and nail. And when they met, they said, Grace to you. You know, we really have missed that. From our sides from our side, we exercise faith. In chapter 4, verse 13, Come to the knowledge of the stature of the Son of God, to the perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. So, you have 3:19 the fullness of God; 4:13 the fullness of Christ; 5:18, Be filled with the Spirit, the fullness of the Spirit. Theres no personal merit. In those days, I suppose we maybe had 400 or 500 people who studied with us all the way through the book. To encourage, strengthen, and mature its recipients. Every Jew knew that was what was going to happen. And theres a reason for that. We believe that Gods promise in the book of Revelation will be fulfilled. Every one of us have been made righteous in the righteousness of Christ. Now, what have you got in the middle here - this whole period in the middle? Let me run them by you quick. We believe Gods promises to Israel will be fulfilled. The other metaphors give the idea of it, but the body is the best one of all. And when their fathers or their brothers come and make trouble, you are to say to them, Give them to us as an act of grace; for we did not take them as wives for ourselves in war; and if you yourselves had given them to us you would have been responsible for the broken oath. And the Lord went past before his eyes, saying, The Lord, the Lord, a God full of pity and grace, slow to wrath and great in mercy and faith; And he said, If now I have found grace in thy sight, O Lord, let my Lord, I pray thee, go among us; for it is a stiffnecked people; and pardon our iniquity and our sin, and take us for thine inheritance. And if one believer in the body doesnt do what hes supposed to do, the body malfunctions at that place, and when it malfunctions, and somebody else has to pick up the slack. We shall not all sleep. The raptures not in the Old Testament because the Church isnt in the Old Testament. He answered, "When the child was alive, I fasted and cried. Why? A lot! The city stood upon the sloping sides, and at a base of two hills: the Prion and Coressus. The completed registration allows us to send order and donation receipts to the email address you provided. This is more than any other book in the New Testament. It was written to his dear son in the faith, Timothy, whom he left in charge of the church in Ephesus. Now, stay with me, were going to talk about this a minute. Well, there are other metaphors used. + Ephesians 4:7 But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it. There are several reasons for this thinking: On the other hand, there are several good reasons to hold to the traditional view that the letter was to Ephesus. Okay? Listen, Pauls message throughout the book of Ephesians is this: that you might understand Gods grace, that you might possess His peace because you are a part of His Church, and you have at your disposal His infinite riches. It not only talks about our riches, but it talks about the whole idea that all this is ours because were in the Church. Heavenly places is used 5 times (Eph 1:3,20)(Eph 2:6)(Eph He gathered the lambs in His arms and gently led those that were with young. Yes. By using our website, you accept our use of cookies as described in our Privacy Policy, There is no time for seeing when God would set aside Israel and call on a Gentile people for His name. Webpastor, Ruston, Los Angeles | 651 views, 10 likes, 9 loves, 101 comments, 11 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from King Solomon Missionary Baptist Church-Flint, MI: Day 1 - In the Old Testament they were a kingdom; in the New Testament theyre a kingdom. So, this is the mystery form of the kingdom of heaven, the part they never saw. sermon ephesians inherit hebrews minds kingdom slide04 We are living in a time that never was seen in history. Now, it says in verse 11 of Matthew 13 that these are the mysteries plural of the kingdom of heaven. Im not doing anything. You know? The secret things still belong to God. Somebody said, To graze cows in. Well, thats not really what its for. He chose to reveal some things to men, and some things He chose not to reveal at all to anybody any time. These cookies do not store any personal information. But my horn [my emblem of strength and power] You have exalted like that of a wild ox;I am anointed with fresh oil [for Your service]. From there he went to pastor a church in Antioch. There are enough resources in heaven to cover all past debts, present liabilities, and future needs and still not diminish your account. And she said unto her, Go, my daughter. Let your eyes be open to your servant's prayer for grace and to the prayer of your people Israel, hearing them when their cry comes to you. This is a book about fullnesses and being filled, and having abundance, and all in the Church, and all in Christ. They dont believe in any earthly kingdom. In the King James version* The word sometimes is mentioned 3 times # Ephesians 2 : 13 # Ephesians 5 : 8 # Titus 3 : 3. Ive taught it many, many times in other situations, and the riches of this book are unlimited. Really, more than any other book in the Bible, I feel this book was the catalyst that launched Grace Church. Its not some kind of an Ellery Queen thing. It will teach you who you are, how rich you are, and how you are to use those riches for Gods glory. kjv ephesians And thats why the world thinks Christ is a cripple. He became a very well-known rabbi, a leader, a teacher, a member of the Sanhedrin. And so, its very minute. Well, it was a lovely term. I, God, have chosen you, Israel, and you have prostituted yourselves to false Gods. So, Israel was a bride, betrothed to God. This is a book about inheritances. Whats a metaphor? Nevertheless, in your great compassion you did not completely destroy them or abandon them, because you are a God of grace and you are merciful. The Bible is filled with many such examples. And Hadad findeth grace in the eyes of Pharaoh exceedingly, and he giveth to him a wife, the sister of his own wife, sister of Tahpenes the mistress; Then the king made answer and said to the man of God, Make a prayer now for the grace of the Lord your God, and for me, that my hand may be made well. They were the Scripture writers. (Eph 1:3-7)(Eph 1:13-14)(Eph 2:1-5)(Eph 2:8-10)(Eph 3:20)(Eph 4:4-6)(Eph 4:9-12,15)(Eph 4:22-32)(Eph 5:2-5,8,11)(Eph 5:21-33)(Eph 6:2-4)(Eph 6:11-12). You see, if the whole period was never known, then things that occur in the period were never known, either. In fact, we have it on our new bulletin, Grace to you. We call our radio program Grace to You. First of all, a double source of authority, verse 1, Paul, an apostle now watch of Jesus Christ by the will of God. It would be enough to say, Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ. Not if youre writing Ephesians. You say, Well, why did the Christians always say that?. Romans 1 says they know something about His eternal Godhead, His power, so that theyre without excuse. He was of the tribe of Benjamin, and Im sure his dear mother wanted to pick out a godly name for this little fellow, picked the one that was the most well-known Benjamite who ever lived, the first king of Israel, Saul. And I think thats an Old Testament concept as well. Their correspondence records Pauls heart to equip this young disciple, and we have the blessing of watching this relationship unfold through in Ephesians, and 1 and 2 Timothy. See? He was on his way to get some in Damascus when the Lord stopped him in his tracks, converted him, and made him a preacher of the Gospel. In Psalm 25:14, it says this, The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him; and He will show them His covenant. Proverbs 3:32 says, His secret is with the righteous. Amos 3:7, He reveals His secrets unto His servants. So, the righteous, the servants, the people of God, those that fear Him, they know His truth. The King is in heaven.. There are some things which God keeps secret from everybody, for a period of time, and finally reveals to His special people in the New Testament. We are a body in which God can reincarnate Himself in Christ and manifest Himself. And there are other things that are involved, but thats just the main thing. Because of his grace he made us right in his sight and gave us confidence that we will inherit eternal life. They didnt see the mystery form which is internal. And then Christ comes to full stature in His Church. These men were saying a last good-bye with weeping on the part of all. The word glory is used eight times. Moses: The Old Testaments Greatest Prophet, Pauls prayer for the Ephesians (Eph 3:1421), Walk differently from the world (Eph 4:1731), Stand firm in the armor of God (Eph 6:1024). A non-preachy, jargon-free handbook to what the Bible is, where it came from, and what its all about. We use it or else we say, How do you feel?. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. It had a very good climate and the soil of the valley was unusually fertile. He wanted them to know and remember the truth, and since he couldnt be with them, he put that truth down on paper. That the Church would come into existence, and that it would be one body incorporating Jew and Gentile in one living organism. Weve been doing that, getting it all ready for months just for this little point in the sermon this morning. God has some secrets that He never reveals to anybody any time. Hetty Green was called Americas greatest miser. Now, watch. And then a double blessing in verse 2 - you knew that would happen, didnt you? Only 14 men could be said to be an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God. No, a saint is not a plastered Christian. And so, even in that he talks to the whole Church about the identity of the whole Church. You say, Well, it says the mystery of the kingdom. The church at Ephesus (a city in the Roman Empire) had been established during Pauls two-year stay (Ac 19). But Hetty Green was so miserly that she said she ate cold oatmeal because it was too expensive to heat the water to warm it. And David sware moreover, and said, Thy father certainly knoweth that I have found grace in thine eyes; and he saith, Let not Jonathan know this, lest he be grieved: but truly as the LORD liveth, and as thy soul liveth, there is but a step between me and death. And now, at this point, weve got 5,000 people, and so the elders felt there were a whole lot of folks who ought to know what Grace Church is built on. Its been a mystery for a long time, but its not a mystery anymore because its now revealed, verse 6, That the Gentiles should be fellow heirs and of the same body now mark that term body, circle it in your Bible; its the key to understanding Pauls definition of the Church and partakers of His promise in Christ by the Gospel.. Now, they know some things about God. And they opened the little paper bags and found a total of $40,000.00. Its a little ridiculous to die of malnutrition and have $40,000.00 in paper bags in your closet. You had to personally see the risen Christ. Considering the time Paul had previously spent in Ephesus (3 years during his 3rd missionary journey) this seems unusual if it was addressed specifically to Ephesus. Thats a lot of money in 1916. When you greet each other, try to break some habits. Most of us drop general, blanket prayer upon everybody and expect that to take care of the situation. Pauls letter to the Ephesians has the answer. You remember Hosea? Thats the book of Ephesians. So, you want to get the book of Ephesians and get it down good. Right? A metaphor is a way of saying something that gives you a better understanding of it. So, the first three chapters, the theology of the rich believer; the practice in chapters 4 to 6. And Shechem said unto her father and unto her brethren, Let me find grace in your eyes, and what ye shall say unto me I will give. Why would Paul send his greetings to the Laodiceans if he had just written them (Col 4:15)? Peter calls it an inheritance thats laid away incorruptible and undefiled, reserved in heaven for us. Grace to you, and peace thats the double blessing. and Jehovah hath given the grace of the people in the eyes of the Egyptians, and they cause them to ask, and they spoil the Egyptians. Maybe the sum of it all is in chapter 3, That you might be filled with all the fullness of God. Its just an incredible thought. A mystery simply means something that has been hidden and is now in the New Testament revealed. And the Lord said to Him, Get out of here now; youre going to get fulfilled what I told you on the Damascus road. Thank You for the grace that gives the peace. I was a persecutor. When she died in 1916 this is a long time ago when she died in 1916, she left an estate valued at $100 million. He starts out, the first word, Paul, and we could go on and on and on for months. Thats the only thing he knew to do in all of life. We have all these meaningless little deals. An Instruction of David, a Prayer when he is in the cave. Because we are one with Christ in His Church, because we are redeemed, this incredible fullness is ours. Some people are amillennial. GDPR is the new European privacy regulation, which will replace the Data Protection Act 1998 in the UK and the equivalent legislation across the EU Member States. The people of Ephesus were enthusiastically and financially invested in every area of pagan religion. During the depression, I read one time where banks were only allowing people, in some cases, to withdraw ten percent of what they had in the bank at one time. And the reason the world has a hard time believing us is because of the unbelievable confusion of the Church that puts forth a Christ that is really not very clear. You know? God doesnt reveal them. Help Grace to You bring important resources like this to people in your community and beyond, free of charge. Theyre foolishness to him; theyre discerned by the Spirit, and he doesnt have the Spirit. And then you can move right in. That is, grace is God doing good for us that we do not But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. What a spiritual resource. That literally the believer can be filled with all the fullness of God Himself; that we would know the unsearchable riches of Christ; that we would be able to do exceeding abundantly above all we could ask or think according to the power that works in us. This is not a localized thing. WebTherefore, in the Old Testament, these terms demonstrate a usage of 172 times for grace, mercy, or supplication. Thats really not to thats not very fulfilling or meaning. How do we know hes for real, etcetera. So, he always reinforced it. It is not new to us -- we have been discussing and But because we are in Christ and in His Church all these things accrue to us. There are some things that God has kept secret through all history and finally just revealed in the New Testament. He saw Israel as a flock. We are one body in Jesus Christ. The Old Testament saints never saw the reality that Christ would dwell in the hearts of His people. We do. And this is very simple and Ill quickly mention it to you. And in a body, you see unity in a way you cant see it anywhere else. God has shown these to the Ephesians, and Paul calls the readers to be imitators of God ( Eph 5:1 ); therefore, we are to treat one another in like manner. Lets pray. He pastored there with four other fellows for a while, and one day the Holy Spirit came, in Acts 13, said, Separate unto Me Saul Paul and Barnabas for the work to which Ive called them.. Basic English, produced by Mr C. K. Ogden of the Orthological Institute - public domain. God also poured out his grace throughout Judah, giving them a dedicated heart to do what the king and princes had decreed according to the message from the LORD. And so, we know that Paul even mentioned a letter to the Laodiceans and well may have had in mind this one. This will help you to understand this. They rejected. Since the UK is now no longer a member of the EU, you may be charged an import tax on this item by the customs authorities in your country of residence, which is beyond our control. So, these are the mysteries. That the Gentiles are fellow heirs of the same body, partakers of the promise in Christ by the Gospel. He has extended grace to us in the presence of the Persian kings, giving us new life, so that we can rebuild the house of our God and repair its ruins, to give us a wall in Judah and Jerusalem. Reincarnate Himself in Christ and the riches of this book are unlimited stay... Body is the best one of them word, Paul wrote 13 sum of it of us drop,. Betrothed to God and carried them are fellow heirs of the website was never known, then things are. Well may have had in mind this one would come into existence, and you promised. Are fellow heirs of the Church, and how you are, and they were call..., I suppose we maybe had 400 or 500 people who studied with us all the way the... 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