Rapid drug test results for all negative drug screens, sent directly to you within 15 minutes. I am in California where I would first be looking for work and then to Nevada. 1. Hey Shawn, afraid I can rarely get back with such short notice nowadays, because I get so many comments to go through (main reason for now instead opening for comments only intermittently when I am not too busy with other stuff as well). I wonder how safe Id be relying on this alone after 28-days (or more) clean. Im currently attending poker dealer school and understand the casinos perform or the police departments perform drug testing of prospective casino employees. Do update wth how it went! The nice thing is that it is not premixed so you can store it anywhere. So it didnt work. Nuke the bottle for 10 seconds only then put on the heating pad and attach it with the rubber band. Yep its a very common misconception that its the same thing as urea. You should only be using fake urine to pass an unsupervised drug test. An acquaintance has worked for this employer in the past and said he was never tested, but someone informed them that he was a marijuana dealer..gee whiz, and thats when he was immediately tested and terminated. There are some meds tohugh where the actual medicine is screened for, and in those cases, its possible this method would worked, but I dont know and havent tried it myself. Im planning on perfecting the temperature a few more times since Im terrified it wont work when I actually have to go in for the test. Yep, SS is my fav for sure! The mgr says he gets repeat customers all the time for the 5 day, which masks the thc. Rather than being a handy squirt bottle, its more like a dark brown cough medicine bottle where you have to press down on the cap to open. Hi helen. And you dont get the heating powder you do with SS to save you in case the temp is too low when about to turn it in. Thanks. Instead of submitting your own urine, you submit a synthetic substitute that passes the test the same way real clean urine would. I have used UPASS with awesome results as long as the temp is right. Today I used Sub-Solution for a random test 10 panel urine analysis, sent off to the lab. Human urine can be frozen, then thawed and used at any time. Im an avid smoker, Ive smoked every day for the past few years, multiple times a day. stressing here. As medicine (I know, WTF), but urine therapy has been used traditionally in some Indian cultures and in Ayurveda as an elixir to promote vitality. Lastly, let me add another buddys story, my friend bob. so Im being drug tested buy my dad tomorrow and I am going to buy synthetic urine but the drug test Is an At Home Drug Test for Marijuana bought at walgreens. Hi Sophie, first I want to thank you so much for doing this article, I do have one question about the drug test and using synthethic urine, look Im a student pilot and my medical certification has expired, so I was thinking about using the SS but I do have a question on my mind. The Internet has saved me again and again in this predicament, and it is because of people like you! I hope they switch back to the clear bottles with the pull open lid because those child proof bottles are not going to be good for someone trying to be discreet! Im still in search for somewhere to buy cheap heating powder but Im hoping this will work? Do you have any experience with Monkey Whizz? Can anyone shed light on this for me? Definitely sounds like Sub Solution is the way to go for you. I think there isnt really anything to worry abut specifically because its a hospital, since drug tests are done in a standard way no matter where its done. Thanks for any advice. As for urine color, rather the opposite holds true. Tap in about one-third of the powder, shake it until it dissolves, and you will feel the temperature rising. So my drug test will be at QUEST and fortunately Ive had one done there before so I know that I go into the bathroom with the door shut on my own. and I had a buddy who had randoms at his job and always kept a detox drink handy. Which caused me to lose out on a very good opportunity. Concentra drug testing can use any of four sample types: urine, blood, saliva, and hair follicle. So my question is, will i be okay? Now Im really freaking out because my brother no longer lives here and really dont have anyone in mind to ask for there urine. Thanks for all the great info, They can only find what they specifically test for, meaning they would have to purposefully test for this heating powder and its ingredients to be able to detect it. The response may be outside your 48 hour time frame by now (sadly I dont always have time to check and reply to comments daily, although I try me best to be prompt). Just figured Id share that it does work, you just need 15-20 minutes for the included heat pads to heat up the sample. How And Why Synthetic Urine Works So Well For Drug Tests. The instructions that come with the product are clear and easy to follow. I more confident on taking my urine test now. http://www.quickfixsynthetic.com/product/quick-fix-6-1-plus/, Quick Fix Synthetic Urine - Best Synthetic Urine to Pass a Urine Test, (You must log in or sign up to post here. How To Pass A Drug Test: The Ultimate Guide 2023, The Absolute Best Detox Drinks For Meth | Flush Meth Out Of Your System, How To Pass A Nicotine Test: Blood, Urine, Saliva, Hair, LabCorp Drug Testing Procedures Explained & And How To Pass. I know the most obvious answer would be to just quit but cmon who doesnt like relaxing on your own time. But what temperature should it typically be at? Use a home drug test to get a better idea. Also being that marijuana is legal, do the labs in Colorado pay closer attention because they know a lot of pot heads live here and need to pass a urine test? they were going to find out it was fake and I would lose everything. This stuff doesnt have any smell, so I guess thats a good thing. -Ye 2 years sounds about right, dont have it in front of me right now, but its a long time. If I chose to have either one lab tested, would it make a difference which product is more reliable? While I cannot provide any info for you regarding you questions I am curious about your questions as well. He had an appointment at a medical facility and had to wait about 30 minutes in a waiting room before he had to do the test. Since youve done both methods a few times, do I need to worry about the color of my urine after? Hello, I really appreciate youre responses and would like to ask you a few questions. The powdered urine is highly reliable for the reasons you mention above, but in your case since you will have such a long abstinence period already, Id choose the detox route over the synthetic urine any day (to avoid unexpected supervision or transportation issues and what not), but I prefer detox in general over urine substitution so some would disagree Im sure. Just wondering if I should be concerned about using test clears powdered urine kit for a life insurance exam. If you already have purchased QF, Id say go with that. I just did a pre-employment physical and drug test for a hospital job. Do you have any suggestions for my specific situation? My pleasure! I used quick fix 5.7 for a lab test. When the time came I was already a month past from when i smoked. Put the heating pad side away from your nuts. For anyone that needs an answer to this question I had to test for a new job and failed due to a positive for marijuana. Let me know if you find a synthetic urine product that only tests negative for THC but tests positive for other substances. It comes with a powdered synthetic they refer to only as golden shower. 2019 Feb;11(2):331-335. doi: 10.1002/dta.2497. And if so which would u recommend for dot test. From what I know, its best used within 8 hours or so, although up to 24 hours should probably be no problem. Youll need to make sure you take a flask of very hot water with you, to be able to raise the temperature just before you enter the building, just in case the heatpad fails. First of all, thank you for posting this info, this is truly the best (as of right now) and most up to date source of info. Yeah youll want clean urine for substitution, so if your sister were using a bunch of prescription drugs that will show up but you arent, then you should get the urine for someone else / use synthetic. For my detailed review, click here. I was wondering if youve heard about this product? What exactly are common exaggerations employers tell in the interview? The formula is simple: If you know youre pissing hot, your urine sample with 100% test positive for drugs. Whats the best way of storing the quick fix? You could be testing positive at 5ng 6 months from now while not smoking again until then, yet be able to pass a drug test at 50ng right now. And they still have the brown cups in them. 3. This is to make sure I can answer them in a timely manner. I asked why & the rep said they have found that uric acid was not being tested in labs. Both males and females can use it, they cant test it in any way other than by comparing it against their calibration urine, which is also synthetic. I have total fait in the urine and plan to use heating pads to get to temp and have the heating powder for back up. B) Transfer it to whatever container you find best, nr 1 prio being easy to hide. Pre-employment drug testing is illegal in canada. The first pre employment test I passed with flying colors because I wasnt smoking or using any other substances. Urine tests performed by Quest Diagnostics can detect barbiturates, amphetamines, cocaine, benzodiazepines, MDMA (Ecstasy), marijuana, opiates, methadone, PCP, oxycodone, synthetic cannabinoids (Spice/K2) and synthetic stimulants like Bath Salts. Prescription drugs and steroids can also be detected. Dont know enough about the product and hence I personally wouldnt use it and rather get someone elses urine unless you have purine or SS at hand. Pretty much everybody uses it nowadays purely because its so effective. Good morning Sophie. I have to take one today with no notice. p.s. My receipt showed clearly that my sample had met the 90 to 100 degree temperature requirement. For those worried about their substituted sample being detected as synthetic, if the formula is good it wont happen. If youre a heavy user, I doubt it would be enough though. As for how this concerns synthetic urine, its the same rule as always, if the formula is of good enough quality, it will include everything it should and nothing suspicious that it shouldnt contain. My tin foil hat might be on a little tight right now over the stress and anxiety all this is causing me. Ive also read about adulteration strips in these cups. hi i to had to use this same brand and was wondering it it did work for you? Yeah personally SS is definitely the favorite. I have to take the test tomorrow and cant afford the overnight shipping fee. It really helped answer a few of my questions. Dont let anyone tell you anything else. The first check after obtaining your urine sample is usually done using thermometer strip and an EMIT (short for enzyme multiplied immunoassay techinque) dip strip, detecting drugs and proteins. Because you cant really test whether it is fake or not directly, and are thus left with testing for specific stuff that should or shouldnt be in there when comparing it to the real thing. Its set up to look for whats in it, rather than whats not in it. Synthetic urine comes in two basic forms: the liquid type found in smoke shops that is similar to what is used to calibrate lab equipment; or vials of a powdered concentrate that can be added to a few ounces of warm water. Also, even if you could keep it inside there, how would you get the urine to dispense at the proper time? Better just stick with the heating pads and the temp stick. Where real dirty urine will test positive, the best synthetic urine will test negative. I am a heavy user, about once a day and multiple times over the weekends. Thus, Id think a 3 year olds urine should work as well as any clean urine. if I wanted to hide the fake pee in my vagina, would the pee be at the right temperature and wouldnt need to heat it? I bought one of the boxes of tests on amazon that every recommends and have been testing myself here and there. Quick Fix looks like real urine. National Library of Medicine Hi, I recently purchased Sub-Solution after reading this article. Thank u. Now sew up a portion of the top so the bottle is snug but not lose. He insisted it worked. The whole purpose of synthetic pee is to eliminate any chance of illegal chemicals showing up on drug screen/tests. B) I read briefly that the heating powder doesnt show up because the chemicals arent tested for. Its no surprise weed is legal here. You need a clean urine sample, your own or synthetic, and thats that. If you mix it youll want to use it preferably the same day or freeze it. Sophie, they always employ synthetic urine plus they always pass. Its Tuesday and Im sweating balls! Ive been interviewed for a company that says they *may* drug test me prior to employment. I think you are overcomplicating things by mixing both the synthetic and your own. Do they run specific tests on protein and sugar levels and if so will the synthetic pass those? The nurse had me empty my pockets into a cabinet, then locked it and gave me the key. Low quality copies of the QF boxes and its printing were used. Comes in a bag premixed with temp strip. I always thought using someone elses urine was the best way because of the lab testing. Try to keep the bottles and stuff quite when handling them in the bathroom during testing! Clarified September 25, 2020No they are doing notAnswered This summer 25, 2019No they dont. In circumstances like this, the best way is usually to take the same approach you would if youd want to get clean from THC through detox. Scams, playing pranks and games definitely kinder to the victim(s) than the human alternative! Good thing youre considering synthetic urine as your first option though, since its on such a short notice. If you used the sub solution for the sample (it was not a supervised test), but instead of a quick dip test, the sample gets sent out to an actual lab- the sample should pass, correct? You want the top of th bottle just sticking out the top. Because its premixed, its also great for on-the-spot drug testing. Have 11 days to pass a drug test. Sub-Solution has urea in it. i baught a kit my question is i could be told to do a test anytime during my work day so i would want to leave my kit in my car. Thank you for your help! It has to be associated with safety-sensitive work (on the regulated side). How To Pass A Mouth Swab Drug Test: Detection Times And Recommended Methods [2022], How To Easily Pass Any Type Of Drug Test (Even At Short Notice), Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Detox Shampoo Review, Top 5 Best Synthetic Urine Brands That Actually Can Pass A Drug Test. It became endemic, and obvious that some brands were simply failing, while a few were still passing. Great site and thank you for the information. I purchased from the site you recommended, and have already contacted them to have the correct bottles sent to me. It was unsupervised so no problem with hiding and stuff. In the panties is normally just as good and a lot more convenient. Ive taken Tests at labcorp before and had someone stand behind me with the door open. Im 59 and 110 pounds, female, skinny, fast metabolism. I can say that regarding THC detox in general, using a smaller amount just 2 times a week shouldnt take too long to detox from though, likely less than 1,5 weeks, especially with some detox efforts/products. Its more common people worry about the bright yellow color of their urine after the drink, since it contains B-vitamins that give this color. And if so, how do you keep Sub-solution warm long enough to pour into the cup? Do you think I should continue to rely on QF or is there another product you recommend? My name is Sophie and I decided to put this website up after realizing how hard it is to find accurate information about detoxing from THC and passing drug tests. Interesting, thanks for sharing. I still wonder if it truly would have passed if my company had ordered the validity testsso I cant help anyone with that part! Also any insight into what kind of physical it might be? Still havent heard back, been a few days, thanks. I wear shorts in the summer time and fairly tight fitting 501s and never asked about my clothes.just follow the instructions Good luck. I avoid advising for DOT test specifically due to laws. Hey Chris! How do I get rid of this and at least recuperate half of what I paid for it? Because I have been using this product for almost 9 years and always passed until now. Anybody? Clumping should only really happen once mixing it, and can be dissolved by shaking it gently or tapping the container against something hard. Thank you so much for your time and advice! Im looking to apply for a job that requires a pee test but just cant seem to stop blazing when Im at home. For those out there who have searched the web like I did for hours on end, I just want to try to ease your mind. -If I plan on carrying SS on me at all times, the SS should be already mixed together with the powdered urine and ready to go at all times, correct? You may want to get some cheap home drug test kit and use a couple of days before your test to be sure, but thats all. I dont know enough about your company and particular case though to form a real opinion. SS provides you with 90ml, and youll want at least 65-70, give or take, of those imo for you real test. Uric acid is a breakdown product of nucleotides like DNA or RNA; urea on the other hand is a breakdown product of proteins and amino acids. They can measure dilution using specific gravity AND creatinine and I dont think a cheap drink will fool machines. But only because you already bought your drinks and the details are vauge about how your test will be. Comment seems unfinished. Yeah detox drinks are subject to false marketing as with so many things and really cant be used reliably on their own. I started work yesterday but they called me today and asked me to take a 10 panel UA within the next three days. Its present in real urine and there are tests for it, thus I feel it should be in a synthetic one as well, which is the case with Purine and SS. For a reason! So Im here to tell my story on using Sub Solution. The SS sounds like what I need but should I look into the 5day Toxin rid or the 10 day also? Its DOT so they would first use EMIT, if negative test is over.if positive it will be confirmed with GC/MS. Once I got in there I simply shook up the urine and water mixture gently a little more, then poured about 1/3 of the heat activator in and shook it up. are people still getting good results from QF? First off, thank you for running such an educational site. It must prove that a particular specimen originated from a particular individual and that results reported relate, beyond reasonable doubt to that specimen. Also that the sample is to be sent to a laboratory for testing. Many of these were however caused by a counterfeit product that someone illegally distributed to stores as Quick Fix, when it wasnt. With that being said I was able to find Quick Fix and called them to make sure it was a legit batch, which it is. Seems like the best way to me. The cup has built in reagent strips for drugs and validity testing. Thanks for all the great info Sophie. If you think you have the time, you could always try to detox quickly and use your real urine for the first test and then assess whether its wise to rely on synthetic for future tests or not. Unfortunately, high demand on the market created many low quality kits that wont pass drug tests. Imo the best place to get it is from the official website itself, http://www.testnegative.com. Nope the heating powder doesnt show up on a test. I hope that makes sense. I was unable to find any of the brands above locally in time for my test. its possible it would work. Have you ever used or heard the results of using Monkey Whizz? Hey Alex, If you happened to not be clean, then synthetic urine, but probably not necessary. If its just for pranking or novelty purposes however, definitely go with any of the more budget-friendly alternatives, since then quality isnt the most important aspect anymore. I dont know too much about XStream so havent really formed an opinion yet. Anyhow, Im sorry for ranting. Most pre-employment tests fall under this category. Any insight is appreciated! I raced back to the testing center. But those you mention above, uric acid, creatinine, urea, specific gravity, pH, Sub-Solution has all of those. Hi Berenice, Did you use sub solution? As stated above, it just needs to be brought to the right temperature. This is my personal favorite and makes the hiding part of the equation a real piece of cake. But I smoked a few bowls for a few days because I didnt think I would find a job any time soon.. Which option do you suggest I refer to? Given my situation, can you think of another way or method i might be able to use to pass my randoms? I found out on 1 October and stopped smoking that day. Its also balanced for pH and specific gravity. Since youre supposed to urinate a few times, this will make the color more natural again (also, simply taking multivitamins can give some people this bright yellow urine color its not as unnatural as one may think). B) Yes, still true. Food for thought. I work in a job i love, but unfortunately am subject to random drug tests with a dedicated testing office on site. SS is pretty much always successful as long as you dont mess up with the temp, which it seems you didnt. Thanks for listening and providing fellow stoners with help. Hi, wondering if you have ever heard of ultra pure synthetic urine? Im a male 160 heavy everyday smoker 4+ a day. WebThe Only Case When Synthetic Urine Doesnt Work For Urine Drug Test. I am getting a drug test to start my new job on the 15th of Feb. Comment document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "ab71c18305d6565f7861c37d6c9a34dc" );document.getElementById("ae49f29f56").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Im almost sure I wont have repeated questions, but my apologies if I do. These include specific gravity and the commonly highlighted urea, uric acid and creatinine. Doesnt matter. My company came to me 1 week later telling me the lab said they Couldnt get a read. whizz kit is made by the people who made the whizzinator. I have have used quick fix plus on many tests even at a doctors office and passed every time . 1. Hey Andrea. My pleasure, please do :). The incognito belt is indeed very handy, with the only drawback that you need to use regular heating, so no instant heating powder (noticed now you already knew this) Hi Mihvi, I avoid giving advice related to DOT-tests due to legal reasons. 2. Ill do my best to be quick about this. Im sure many will find this helpful. Quoting from that very same page: The new 6.1 formula Quick Fix Urine can now work every state and Canada with no more invalid test results for lack of urea.. Do you still recommend Sub Solution or can natural do it? They may all be better than homemade pee, but how well they compare to Sub-Solution and Purine I cant vouch for, although likely poorly in many cases. Does real urine and synthetic urine dissipate heat at similar rates? If this gives a positive result, it is then sent to an accredited lab with the required laboratory equipment and a GC-MS (short for gas chromotography-mass spectrometry) is performed to prove that illicit substances/metabolites are present, that the sample is genuine and untampered with, that no adulterants are present and to avoid any mistakes. I have a pre-employment test coming up and will have to use fake urine instead of a detox/cleanse even though Im pretty lean, due to my regular use. Clarified March 26, 2019Its completed in just one cup on-site and also the specialist reads the outcomes. al. Thanks for listening and for any helpful info you could pass on in regards to my many questions. thanks in advance for your time and thoughtfulness answering this inquiry. And I dont recommend this. I was looking at the Incognito Belt that Clear Choice sells and it looks like it might be perfect for me, my question is: Am I safe doing a trial run with heating the pre-filled pouch up to see how long it takes to get to the right temperature, or will heating, cooling and reheating effect the quality of the urine? So here Im thinking, sweet! Good luck! Ive learned so much from this thanks. As a bonus, they also sell Monkey Dongs (preferable to Whizzinators), should you feel you need one. Like you say its probably not watched, and you probably worry more than you have to, but its perfectly understandable and a good way to make sure you do your due diligence researching in advance. , how do i need to worry about the color of my questions 25, 2019No they.... Let me add another buddys story, my friend bob it it did work you. From the official website itself, http: //www.testnegative.com more ) clean tests a! 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